Saturday, July 06, 2024

IN Honor of two Great Artists.


John Marcellus Huston was an American film director, screenwriter and actor. He wrote the screenplays for most of the 37 feature films he directed, many of which are today considered classics. 

" I prefer to think that God is not dead, just drunk."
He reminds me of my grandfather in all his appetence and manners and even his appearance is somewhat similar to that of my late grandfather, Paul Mariano aka Abu Talib bin Abdullah after his conversion to Islam after marrying my late grandmother, Zainab Benti Hussein in Deli, Sumatra, Indonesia. To me he was a Great Artist my idol, ever since   I was made to clean his spittoon. a large can filled with red spittle and whatever else that is disgusting to even look at, almost every day, I was his masseuse and i had to make sure his rabbits gets their food...yes the devil is indeed in the details. Be as it may, he to me is was one hell of an artist and has landmark legacy to his memory. I have related this story in the past but if you are following the dotted line then you can search the backlogs of this Blog. You might be curious enough to know what ethnic name is Paul Mariano? Portuguese? Spanish? Italian, perhaps?  That is if it matters to you - it's Ceylonese, or Sri Lankan that was where my grand father was from and that is all i know. 
Who was my Grandmother? this is what i have always wanted to find out but i know today it is too late to make anymore trips to find out and it is not cheap and easy as it used to be. I did try however and i got as far as the Palace  it was said that my grandfather spent allot of his time with the the then Sultan who was his drinking buddy. I was sure not to ask this when I talked to the palace man at the counter but I felt the air where my Grandfather must have walked or wobbled his way to and fro. Only a great artist would have pulled it off especially in Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia, a very Muslim country. My grandfather charmed his way into the Royal court when he married my grandmother, said to be a cousin of the Sultan in Medan. My grandmother was from  a small province called Deli and it it said that the purest of Malay Muslims were from Deli compared to the rest of the Nusantara or Malay Archipelago.
She was tall and very fair, soft and elegant was my memory of her and she was very pious. 
My grandma was the central pillar in the home I grew up in and everyone served her with love and respect, all young and old, they say she something about her, from the old country. My late Auntie once told of her experience in being tested by my grandmother with having a tiger laying on the doorsteps of the house to stop my auntie in her tracks and leave the house. I definitely believed in just about every story when it came to the supernatural, the myth and the magic, as a kid I was always all ears, I would cling on to every word and often fell asleep while at it; my mind as a child was already asking and wanting to know what is beyond, what is the unseen. I must say that in my entire life thus far i have had my share of the super and no so super natural phenomenon, a few of which still confounds me and my intelligence. 
My ancestorial past I think can be very deep rooted heritage of two Cultures and Religious strains of human genetics, two Royal Blood lineage that has run through the history of both Indonesia and Sri Lanka and I am the unfortunate end product, Such Is! Am i making all these up? Perhaps, then again what have I to gain or loose at coloring my ancestorial history tree a little more flair and sophistication, no Sir! I am envious of my own lineage, couldn't ask for better, I am a prince of the house of Deli by the Birthright of my Grandmother. I claim my title what the heck! Why not?! I know i have deep roots, rich in culture and religion, I have been born into a household of infinite possibilities, where anything and everything was and perhaps still is possible. If my ego has anything to say about this I will surely take actions towards claiming my share of the present throne of of Deli, why not? It would make for a hell of a long running series would it not? Yeah right! Anything is Possible when you think you got it all together even if it were not true in essence . what is truth you say, but what my mind thinks it to be, what my mind perceives and manifest according to its taste and style. There comes a moment when truth blends into the untruth overlapping one another and in the end becomes one whole new truth. This is not unlike the Ying and yang or Cosmic Symbol of evolution from one extreme into another and the seed of each opposite is eternally planted within each opposite, I don't know if it makes sense to you you but I feel best not to get dragged into what i don't any idea about and regret. For those who are still in essence 'seeking' all i can say is keep connecting those dots and find your way to the truth, or what is the Real.

Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place they're capable of anything.

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