Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Ramblings of a wearied mind.

 Let's Ramble! What to ramble on? The last few days, the last few years? the moment of now in the present moment? It's all a matter of time, time to ramble after all the chores have been settled and there is more or less not much left to accomplish in the material world  or the spiritual that the mind would not indulge in if allowed to. The human mind, the favorite topic  among the old and ancient and the modern and upcoming wanna-bees spiritual as well as philosophical seekers ever since man could think or used words to describe himself, the "Humind" as I short cut the word at one time in the past, is the the Rosetta Stone that unravels the mysteries of the Universe. With complete understanding of the 'humind, man is exposed to the vast storage of what is out there and what is within. Although the wise men has kept pointing out the fact that the 'I' is not the mind nor the body, these two humind faculties are the basic tools and instruments of the spiritual journey, they are the means by which the universe or the spirit, pick your choice, like God or the Divine, expresses 'That' which is Is. Depending upon what school or religion one practice or have faith and understanding in the mind and body is not who one is in the final analysis, they are your physical and mental forms of your manifestations and exp0ressions, they eventually will not collapse and fall apart with age and time. However while in this what the Buddhist term Nirmankaya or the phenomenal realm of existence, the humind and body like the auto vehicles that we own to move around or the glasses we wear to help with our poor eyesight, they are and should be cared for in order to achieve maximum functionality.

My spiritual companion, the Guardian that sits and watch my every move like a tigress watching over me protecting me against seen and unseen dangers when I 'Sit.' 


 Our teeth decays and our bones looses their strength with age and just about everything that we have considered to be a part of who we are will in time perish and returned to dust and what remains is yet to be fully comprehend and agreed upon by those who dwell in these matters through out the ages. We die, what happens next? Is there a next and if there is what next? An atheist or a die hard scientist will settle for the total obliteration of one's existence where what once was is returned back not just to dust but into sub-atomic particles to float around in the vast space of the universe; recycled. The Judaic, Christian and Islam gives man a choice, Heaven or Hell as an afterlife depending how well one had lived according to the 'Good Book'. The Hindu Tradition of Vedanta or non duality expounds the fact that we are One with the All pervading Brahman, {God or Divinity}, depending upon our levels of understanding how far or near we have evolved throughout our existence not only in this life but in the myriads of past lives to who we are today, through the process of Incarnations. Buddhism although an offshoot of Hinduism denies any any existence of a 'Self' as a final analysis, there is no 'I'. As the Historical Buddha, Gautama in his final breath uttered, "I am no more." This to most non-Buddhist is a nihilistic/ atheistic view of life which most humind cannot process much less accept. Buddhist is not much different to Taoism in perspective where God or Divinity does not play a pivotal role in the final say. When asked if he believes in God, C.G. Jung replied, "It does not hurt God if I do or don't." The Buddha is said to have said when asked similar  issue that," God has no problem in this life but you do." In essence you deal with your life the best you can no matter what happens and so long as you think there is an 'I', you will suffer.

Words! How does one explain the mysteries of mysteries, the secret of secrets through the use of words in no matter what language we use. A brilliant writer could take us to the edge but still can never take us beyond, to take that leap of faith and most of us take the easy way out by surrendering to fate or destiny or simply damn if I care. Blessed is the blind and the ignorant for they have less to screw around with when it comes to the question of what is life or who am I? Hopelessly the humind that seeks for an answer to these questions will spend an entire life drown in frustrations and despair before they come close to any form of peace, enlightenment or awakening. Sadly most I talk to do not have any idea of the rough journey they are on much less how to ease the burden they carry with them.    


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