Sunday, August 06, 2023

Oppenheimer - The Movie


Jokingly I said to my son Open-hammer to my son on our way to see the movie Oppenheimer Oppenheimer, he corrected me thinking I had problem pronouncing the German name. The Creator of Doom, the Lord of Destruction and Procreation, The Dancing Nataraja; most of humanity cringe at this name especially those who lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Oppenheimer, the Movie. I fell asleep a few minutes of it and my daughter had to elbow me, I was most probably starting to snore. I enjoyed the rest of the movie and marveled at how much transformation of the actors/characters takes place in the making of the movie. My son holds Christopher Nolan high up there among the Hollywood contemporary directors which includes Michael Bay, Christopher Nolan, James Cameron, Ridley Scott and a few others. Our connection, my son and I is mostly through Movies and the Liverpool Fan Club. I had no interest in soccer before my son persuaded me into watching his favorite team; Liverpool. Now I practically know the whole team members like latest news Virgil Van Dyke is made Team captain and Trent Alexander Arnold the number two. Now I am hooked on Liverpool Soccer games wondering who they play next. Not a bad way of bonding between father and son. Karim is to me an enigma, I worry about his future but it is too late to make a whole lot of difference as he is past that point in life where it is not easy to make him change for the better, at least the way I perceive what it should be. So I join what I cannot afford any change to in a character and the best i can do is to live my life as best i can with the hope that he will emulate the good in me and drop the worse. When two bombs were dropped upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki it changed the course of WW2 but it did not last as WW3 is looming with Japan playing a significant role in the making. Oppenheimer was instrumental in the creation of the Atom Bomb, but he carried the burden of gu9lt to his grave for the death of thousands innocent souls wile the United States cheered for its success. Today the Atom Bomb era is history replaced by the Nuclear Bomb of which many countries claim to have in their arsenal 0f war.

My son of late has been "The God of War," A tough mortal warrior swinging his battle axe running with his young son towards, I still have no idea yet, a highly sophisticated created video game that is his latest adventure on the screen. We all live our dreams in one form or another and when we get too involved it becomes an addiction/meditation for the game demands very high attention and concentration. A technological route to Nirvana and in this case the killing of Gods and demons alike. Facing the 50" TV screen and with both feet up on the couch my son faces his demons. He is a highly intelligent kid if i may say so myself and more towards being an introvert, does excellent at his job and well liked by others, so far so good. He is 31-32 and refuse to have any discussion about settling down and he told me that every time i mention he would add another year, I gave up. I figured a young man who knows and really know Oppenheimer through the Internet can't be too bad; celibacy has its gifts if one knows how to harness it. 

Mankind is hell bent upon self destruction and there seem to be no hope for a peaceful future on this planet and the Nature in all its beauty and glory has become the impending collateral damage. Of late food has become the next target for mass strangulation as India has banded the export of rice from the country and with Russia holding a strangle hold on Ukraine's export of grains to the rest of the world, humanity is faced with a wake up call with regard to food shortages. Most of mankind today will continue to live day to day moaning and groaning about the rising cost of food in denial of what it is that is causing this predicament we are in; that we are victims of our own sense of Greed, Hate and Delusion or Ignorance, the three ailments that the Buddha had pointed out in His teachings. It becomes more critical as in his ingenuity man is in the process of creating artificial intelligence, like a God he is creating an entity in his image. Science today is in the process of becoming Dr. Frankenstein whose ultimate goal is to become like God is his ability to create that of life itself. The few involved in this projects of AI is bound and determined to prove to one another that they are ahead and will one day be the creator of the most advanced neo human specie that is devoid of any form of egocentric and humane feelings; compassion will become an alien word in the future when Ai becomes a part and parcel of the collective consciousness with no holds barred in times of war; this is the prophecy of "The Terminator," the movie series being realized. As it is, Drones are becoming a weapon of choice for the war mongers where so called precision killing is the key factor towards justifying the mode of eliminating the enemy forces anywhere in the world. From a small room deep in the bunker a man can deliver devastating blow to a whole village anywhere without any conscience or regret for his action as he was merely obeying orders from his superiors. Oppenheimer's Atom Bomb has now become obsolete in the arsenals of modern warfare.


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