Saturday, August 26, 2023

It is time to unveil the perception of ignorance.

                                                             "The Red Chair"
A storm is picking up outside my home and there will be some damages done it looks like that kind of a storm, hope not. Then again Cello Hauser is playing the Theme from -The Gladiators on the big screen and i am sitting here doing nothing. Body aches here and there from overuse or abuse and lack of use as in physical workouts and so fort as J. Krishnamurti would have said, 'and so forth..." Don't sweat the small matters and remember all matters are Matters. One has to cover all grounds of one's being at any time any given moment and every situation one is presented with, past present of future does nor exist except in time and time does not exist if there is no mind to perceive such concepts. this my mind justifying, clarifying making sense out of non-sense of this my so called life, thus far in space and time; just runed 74 this 12th. of August and found out last night that i am beginning to loose my hair. I have a ball spot spreading itself outwards to cover most of my skull making me loose my hair.

Where am I sitting in this Red Chair? With a Dan Brown novel on my lap and the minimal color scheme to go with, Earnest Hemmingway would have nodded his approval and Steinbeck would have done so too, out of mutual Love for the creative spirit of Humanity. We aspire towards something or someone or some goals and dreams. This inspiration to live well and die well comes from our inner self the self that is watching and learning and adapting and assimilating and making it who we are or as part of it ; we  are at the very least of effort is slightly aware of something is not right with the world and humanity's future is at stake to be consume by Greed and Hatred and not to mention Ignorance. These three illnesses that is suffered by man throughout hi existence. Knowledge is Power in this modern era, "money talks and bullshit walks,"; it will be take a major shift to steer the human collective consciousness into becoming singly focused upon Peace and the Healing of ourselves and the Planet. No matter your faith or belief, no matter your religio9n or preferences in philosophies and ideologies you live by,; money talks and bullshit still walks. 

Most of us are blinded by material wealth and comfort as opposed to the mor frugal life of compassion giving and sharing instead of keeping and hoarding. I can only eat one plate of rice at a time and no matter how much I I want to eat the best of meals everyday I will still end up killing myself from one excuse or another. All in all it is my stand that eat just enough and sleep well enough while doing what you love the most about life make it the last of your 'bucket wish' before you kick the bucket. Who am I ? What am I talking about? How far or how near am I to discovering my true being in one form o another or does it even matter. It is of utmost importance, the essence of man's existence itself, his consciousness, learn to understand how your mind works, like why do you think or how and what. Who is the 'Thinker?" Who thinks? Does the thought defines the thinker or the other way round? I am a addicted thinker like most friends I knew. Sometimes it is so stupid and embarrassing to watch the mind is capable of thinking in one day. The mind has a more vindictive nature then one that is kind and comforting. The mind likes to create stories of its own the more negative and destructive the story the more it feels successful having upset or perhaps create a balance between the positive and the negative in our mental expressions. Towards and understanding of the workings of the human mind is the very food man should be chewing on instead of trying to climb over one another's back to get to the top. Man is already at the very top of the food chain in the animal kingdom and there is no more storage rooms up there beyond the roof. We have become the cancerous cells that will slowly eat out of us from within. Only the most ignorant and blind cannot figure out the truth about the way we as a specie is headed and woes be unto our children and theirs. What can we do? 

The answer to what can be done about the situation and circumstances we are in today is in the question itself, what can we do, it is what have been doing is the problem that have led us here, to where we stand at the edge of space and waiting for the free fall to happen. Know Thyself! The mondo that holds the key to to the answer we are looking for in our own ways, is this in what have we been doing to ourselves, our planet our homes and families what have been doing to our fabric of society with uncertainties that most have hard time to contemplate, what is looking at the bigger and wider picture, the scenario is not very assuring for all of us, we are sick and refuse to admit it to ourselves and pick on the most ancient bullshit of all, that is WAR! Mass suicide and complete annihilation of the specie along with all other innocent species... and the Creator says "Ooops!" and man loves to tell his stories as how and when did it happened and why? I am beginning to see my Blogging is as a matter of fact has a sense of direction like it is taking me onwards telling myself stories while I am getting old. Eat well, sleep well and let all things go... is my moto. If you got a headache take a Panadol! Don't let your mind take you on a drift too far away from what is the real. Try to keep remaining on your board while surfing through some of the biggest wave of you life and survive to take another one, and the next. 



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