Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Addressing God in the Month of Ramadan

  In silence, God speaks. The silence of pure consciousness with no thought formations and fabrications, perceptions and impulses, 'the silence of the lambs.' So God has spoken, (again), this time in the writings of Joseph Benner and as always God made perfect sense and no matter how one look at it, God in all His infinite Mercy and Compassion spoke with the voice from within me, my Higher Self, my Divine Self and God resides in the Heart of my heart; like the teachings of the ancient Hindu, God is Me. I am That I am...Tat tvam asi. God spoke as the Unborn Buddha Nature, that which is before my parents met. I Am That and I will remain as I am no matter how or where this life will take me, no matter how much I have experienced all it has to offer and learned all it has to teach albeit good or evil: I Am That. Now the question has always been, how do I stay in that state of my divine nature and stop flapping back and forth like a torn flag at the mercy of the wind of change, how do I stay in this state of infinity and in complete consciousness. How do I desist from drifting here and there like a cork floating down the rapids of consciousness itself? Silence! It is in silence God speaks.

"Silence is both the Way and the goal of meditation. The Silence that is being referred to is the silence of wakeful consciousness, aware of itself, as it really is. Not projecting out fantasies and affects and mental objects, not deluding oneself, not being filled with chatter, not being sleepy and spaced out...not being the desire or fear..."  - Shuniamurti Satsang. 

The great minds of both East and West has long persuaded the act of 'surrendering', of giving in or giving up to the inevitable and 'go with the flow', Surrendering to one's inner Higher Consciousness or Divine Nature if one has come into its realization through the journey of self discovery, knowing who you are or your true nature like what I have been wasting much of my time on for the past decades, sometimes consciously sometimes not. God has spoken and among the things He pointed out is to give it up all these run around seeking and searching and know that I am Him and He is Me and we are in this game of life together like it or not and I totally agree, He knows it and I know it, however He is definitely in control and I am still flip flopping. I need to surrender all my thoughts and perceptions, my past and my future expectations, I need to pull the hand brake all the way and seize all mental activities. If I am a car it would be a overhaul time of the whole system inside out, from engine oil change to wheel alignments, from battery water to windshield wipers, making sure that all is in optimal condition for a good driving condition, where one has no thought or worries about the car functioning its best. When your physical body is free of ailments of any kind and the mind is aligned with its capacity to function at its maximum, then the spirit can express its being-ness, unobstructed at the highest divine level. This is my shallow take on how far or near I am from beginning to full comprehend who or what I am in the cosmic scheme of things; what is impeccable is my Lord's plan and what is fallible is mine to still work on. 

Acceptance is the like the final ac of surrendering, giving up or giving in to whatever fate or dtiny that lay in store for me. After all the years of studying and practicing, experiencing and participating after all the blood, sweat and tears, of sleepless nights and self denigration, I find myself at the end of my journey and I accept it all and hand it over to The All Mighty, Allah (SHWT) the Lord of the Universe, the Divine within me; the Voice of Silence.  I am no more. My will is Hiis Will, my actions are His actions, my thoughts are His thoughts. I can keep writing this on and on till the day I die and mostly probably still not convince myself that I am truly transcended in my realization towards being liberated from my ego self, the me that I have been thinking and assuming as who I am and through which falsehood I have squandered all my resistance and became  an incorrigible sinner. However write on I shall and keep on exposing myself and my errors of the past I will till my confessions is heard and answered from within. I shall keep on chipping away at my soul so as to cleanse myself, purify and sanctify myself and placing myself before His presence to be heard and accepted with the blessings of His infinite Mercy and Compassion if not His Love.




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