Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year 2022

  Yes, there is no doubt that I am trapped by the influences of the Internet like most who can read and write or simply enjoy the pictures good or not so just to past the time or remove the boredom of the daily routine. I am not free from the attachment of being 'liked' or commented on Face Book or seeing how many hits I got from my latest Blog post, no I am just as attached to this reality as most of us are and it is about time to move on and out of the grid that I am in before I loose my own sense of individuality. Not that there is anything wrong with being touched and touching the world out there in a mind created digital plane, however it is not what I have in mind to be what is the right path for me. I am advocating right or wrong in this matter and for as long as I am sitting before this five or six years old PC with the screen still barely visible and which I am scared to turn off because it has the tendency to refuse to turn back on, I will honor my Dharma position with it and make the best and full use of it for the my own as well as others who I get in touch with.Wishing Happy Birthdays and happy anniversaries, condolences and what not has become a part of the benefit of having the Internet and receiving the latest news from around the globe is another. This mroning I learned of a major earthquake that had struck the Sulawesei area of Indonesia through a post on Face Book by my former student living in Darwin, Australia as she was woken up by the tremors she felt. Two days ago I had accepted a friendship request from an Indonesian man living in Sulawesei and this morning through a messenger chat he confirmed the quake relating that homes were swept away>

Is it human nature to 'like' more the posting of a Syrian style order of food that my son decided was good for me rather than the postings of the causees of our floods going on in the country or the earthquake that had just happened in our neighboring country of Indonesia? The post I made of the Syrian food had gained much attention more so than the more serious issues, is this what is meant by living in abject denial? Is it becuase I myself had been removing most negative events posted on my fb in the past that this has become the karmic result, for me? Or am I not genuine enough or concern enough to merit any impact from the masses going through the events of our lives today? I ask myself silly questions like these knowing that the answers are not forthcoming especially not from Face Book addicts. If I want a good response or as many likes I should stick to posting what I had for breakfast or how smart and cute my one cat is, not postings of how logging activities had been the primary cause of a national disaster. Hence as I had said earlier I am strapped, sucked into this addiction of yet another illusion called the Internet with its links inot FaceBook, Netflix, You Tube  and the rest of it. This addiction has claimed numerous hours of my waking life and from it I had make not a single dime that I can be proud of.

I have set my mind towards the break away from this so called comfort zone that I find myself in for the five or six years and it is not that it was all a total waste of time and needless to say that it has been a learning experience in more than one way for which I am eternally grateful to the Universal Mind that had been responsible in making it all possible. The excess to the world at large in the form of information has been a tremendous benefit towards my own pursuit of knowledge if not spiritual wisdom and again I am grateful, however like being in college, I have to graduate sometime and take it to the road and put it all into practice or at least be able to share it with those I would come into contact with in the near future. It is forever a learning process educating oneself or in many cases un-educating oneself. it is through my living experiences for better or worse that the genuine insights comes from and it is these insights when put through the test of daily life that lessons are learned and shared. I am taking all the advantages of available technologies to do this self discovery trip as well as exposing what I discover, good or bad right or wrong, of my ways. It is with the hope after all these thousands of postings a few out there might get a glimpse of what is the real and what is the unreal in their own lives.

Yesterday I spent an evening with a couple who are in their fifties and sixties at their home which is also a sort of gallery showcasing 500 to 600 years old Chinese pottery recovered from sunken vessels that found off the East Coast of the Peninsular. Chinese junks and Portuguese ships that were sunk for one reason or another were found to be loaded with Ceramic wears from the Ming Dynasty China and these were being recovered by a private company of divers and restored most of them and the broken ones are being turned into a collection of jewelry after being cleaned and mounted in silver. I got to meet Ben Longen and his wife Joan a Chinese born lady who is also a fashion designer and artist and had a good rapport of what the future might hold for us. I will let the story unfold as we set about our intentions in the coming year. If it all works out it might be the next phase in my life to look forward to. 

Wishing one and all a very happy and prosperous New Year.

May all our dreams and aspirations comes true and may we succeed in making this Planet a better place than when we came into it.

#happynewyear2022, #benrongen, #sulaweseiearthquake

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