Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Time to look into the Inner Sanctum.

 It is time to step back into my inner sanctum and reflect upon my state of being a process that I have every so often revert to whenever I feel I have ventured outwards into the external realm of my existence a little too long. By too long I mean the fact that i feel like I am loosing my inner connected state, that state of which I am truly who I am. If it makes any sense it is where i feel most at home and less being sucked into the daily humdrum of everyday existence. I still do my meditations and reflections on a daily basis but not as thorough as I should simply because sometimes I feel it too can be over done and needs to be retreat from. In the words of the Buddha,"To become like the strings on the sitar, not too tight nor too loose," is the middle way. My travel to the East Coast a week ago has filled my mind with all sorts of external stimuli spiritually, emotionally as well as in terms of the physical and as such my mind has been exposed to much more than usual.

Now it is the time to get back into my 'Vipasana retreat', or crawl back into my cave where I can delete or discard all the extra baggage I have accumulated from the journey. Or at least properly shelve them away into my files for future references if and when needed. I may sound naive in saying this but my mind is like the computer it does get overloaded, hence it is time to empty the trash. I have pretty much achieved my intention of visiting my family and friends in the East Coast and again it was a healing process for me as well as for them. Now it is time  for me to review myself as to how near or how far I am towards getting to know my own being. My journey towards knowing who I am in truth is still an on going process no matter successful I feel I have come thus far. I still have doubts and am not free from mental vexations that easily shrouds my consciousness from the truth. Old habits die hard and it takes a greater effort to return to the silence that I have felt in the past where in it I find peace and tranquility. 

I write this post as I have always done in order to keep reminding myself of where I am at on my spiritual path, lest I drift too far off into the super highway where the traffic will swallow me up. I write to remind myself to return to the path less traveled with as few roadside attractions as possible. This has been my practice and as i have often mentioned in the past, this Blogging is a healing practice of its own. Hence it is repetitious if not sometimes boring, but it hase to be done so as the mind can be kept on track. It is another form of meditation practice for the span of time I have spent making this entry has at the very least kept my mind occupied with a more important issue than watching movies on Netflix or listening to talks on You Tube. My friend Rafi in Terengganu has given me one of his guitars to keep me busy and this too can become my meditation practice just learning to play the instrument as a discipline. I have always wanted to have a guitar as I can play one but not as good and now I have one, it is like an answer to my wish, for I did not ask him for it; perhaps the law of abundance has manifested itself.      


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