Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus - Nabeel Qureshi.

 Along with me on my trip to the east Coast I had a book written by Nabeel Qureshi entitled Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, A devout Muslim Encounters Christianity. It was absconded from the daughter of my very close friend Lee Khai who was back on vacation from her law studies in the UK. The book was given to her by her friend but she was willing to depart with it, perhaps it might convince me to become a Christian. I told her that I am one as she is and had she been a Buddhist i am one too or a Hindu or a Muslim; I am what you are I have always maintained to my friends who wondered what faith i hold. Off course none would accept this as just about everyone wants you to be in their pigeon hole or belong to their club exclusively; nope, I belong to a club of my own the unknown yet to be club. Nabeel Qureshi's apostatize journey from being a Muslim to becoming a Christian is an eye opener for those who are seeking the truth about the true or right religion especially when compared between Christianity and Islam the two most closest comparatively to each other in term of the One or Monotheistic faith. It can be safely said that at the end of the day after all is being said and done, Muslims and Christians and perhaps even the Jews, worship the same God, however we just refuse to accept the truth and squabble over whose God is the better One. Sadly enough for this alone we have gone to wars and brutalized our fellow man all in the name of my God and your God.
As far as the book is concerned, I have one issue with the very title itself, Seeking Allah Finding Jesus, and why not Seeking Allah finding God, if you consider Jesus, God. Off course in the tittle itself God has been personalized as the Man Jesus and here in essense begins the separation between the two religions. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was Jesus?

 Nabeel died at an early age of 38? leaving behind a wife and a daughter and he never got o live out his dream of becoming an evangelical preacher in the name of Christ. Perhaps his book is doing the job for him as it has set a stage for more and more Muslims and Christians to come forth and settle once and for all the who God truly is. The younger generation today can use the research done by Nabeel and his friends as a stepping stone towards further enlightening the masses about the two major religions of the world without going to war over it. Those, the likes of Nabeel Qureshi and his friends were truth seekers of the highest caliber and deserves to be made as references for future students as a guide on how to attain an acceptance of understanding another person's faith without any negative judgment. To debate and present evidences for the debate along with one's personal spiritual experiences, to be able to share on the deeper level the trust and understanding of a fellow seeker also looking for answers.

For those who are open minded and willing to explore on a deeper level the historical events as well as religious texts being handed down through generations in search of, "the truth that perhaps will set you free," I recommend to read this piece of work. "Seeking Allah and Finding Jesus'" is a journey of one man who defied religious as well a traditional and cultural norm, who risked being declare an apostate liable  in  Islam to be executed by death. Why does a highly educated man took upon himself to become a black sheep to his family, relatives and the very community he grew up in? All I can say is you have to read and come to the conclusion for yourself, that is if your faith holds any meaning to you more than just what is handed on to you from the religious leaders and holy scriptures. Warning, the book might shake a little your religious foundation if you are not well equipped to handle such arguments presented in it; when it comes to a mater of the faith, I feel it is highly personal.
# Nabeel Kureshi, Seeking Allah Finding Jesus, Christ, Jesus.


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