Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Zeti Akhtar Aziz- An Ode to...

And it's 4;50am, did my meditation, a little stretching exercise, cleaned the dishes in the sink left overnight and played with the cat and now back on the computer to make another entry in my Blog while listening to, "The Damaged Brain Healing & Nerve Regeneration/ Brain Waves Therapy Music. Does it work? Who knows and how wold you know if you never gave it a try? Such Is. Life as an experiment, nothing is left to chances and yet everything is the taking of chances and who is there to say yes or no at the wee hours in the morning? An idiot will remain and idiot if he never realize that he is one, until he is awakened to this realization he will live life  simply fulfilling an obligation of being born into this world like any other God forsaken entity bound for the market place or the slaughter house. 

Yes silence is beauty in essence for a wayward mind, however it is the habit of my mind that the silence often needs to be filled by random thoughts and thus the background music. This sound I am listening to is repetitious but soothing and it does fills my consciousness with a sense of  embodied silence; my gratitude to those who took the trouble to share such gifts on You Tube. As i browsed my Face Book prior to making this posting I came across a quote by an icon in Malaysia, Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the former Bank Negara of Malaysia Governor. A quote worth keeping for posterity,
":" My own experience has been to observe highly successful individuals from different parts of the world, and in different fields, looking at their traits and strengths. Different traits have been important in different individuals. Among the important traits are having the vision and staying true to the cause. They are also the ones that strive with great passion to excel in what they do. They also have the capacity to be tested to the limit and not be discouraged by setbacks. Having values and high energy levels has also been important. These traits can often be observed in sport persons, musicians and artists. This drive with passion to achieve applies in our fields, too, whether in public policy or in the corporate world."
Zeti Akhtar Aziz.

This quote is to me one of those voices that reflects the power of collective consciousness being expressed through an individual whose lifelong accomplishment is exemplary. Having been the Governor of a country's banking system, she is a role model worthy to be emulated by the younger generation in their search for a meaning to their individual lives as it is to mine. Fame and fortune aside, she has set a record that is not an easy feat to follow without passion and dedication towards self  discovery.

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