Sunday, May 03, 2015

Little Penang Street Market -Revisited

Sad to say it is Not like it used to be. hardly any visitors and the event has become like any 'flea market.
In the effort to encourage my daughter to become my Art dealer I set up my shop in selling my sketches and hoping that i would have met some old friends.

There were still a show or two but not as authentic as what used to be when shows were sponsored for the occasion.

Scott D Selva a great Chef was on hand to give a strong moral support looking on at a potential customer.

Met up with some old friends, Cecil Rajendra and wife and James

Plying my trade and i hope it will take me to my destination financially, not depending on anyone but  myself to make it in this final hours of my existence, off course with the help of my daughter and her friends.

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