Monday, December 30, 2013

Dancing in the Mud.

It is said that life is a dance and we are all dancing to the rythm of our own making. As we dance the universe dance along with us. 'We dance to their mothers, we dance to their fathers, we dance to their brothers and we dance to their sisters and they dance along. 

It is said that, that we sow so shall we reap, with loving hands plant our hopes and fears into this earth with all the faith we have had, shall have and always do have in the Lord of Creation. He who nourishes the heavens and earth and by Whose Divine Will have given the man to lord over His Creation: this our planet. 

A father works alongside his son planting seedlings into the soft moist earth legs buried knee deep in mud. "Bapa borik anak rintek" or like father like son. The field has numerous lessons for those who work with her like the sea has many lessons to share with the fishermen. 

And so we dance all over the land spreading love and joy wherever we go, this is my dance and I dance to the song of  He who I have submitted my will to, I dance to His beautiful names and I dance to His Presence within and without, and they dance with me. 

Making his mark on the land he dances with the rake scattering the soft soil and making ripples in the water, he is oblivious to the world around him, only his tune he dances to his Creator. This is his dance towards discovering his path and who he is.

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