Monday, June 10, 2013

Georgetown Retro- B&W Pics of 1964.

Georgetown is now a hive for carpet beggars who sees only opportunities for investments and the possibility of creating a home for those who are not too happy with their orriginal homes; penang is becoming a second home to foreigners who has money to splurge at the expense of the locals.
The original Penangites, those who etched the street corners with their hard work and the will to survive are  gradually being displaced by the impossible cost of ths standard of lving here. Most of these including many locals from the various malay kampungs are being squeezed out of the state to migrate to the mainland and that if they can afford to.. 

There are those who through their own ingenuity and business savy managed to sell the island's heritage and culture by importing foreign entertainers and artists as thought the Island itself lacks its own; at what cost and whose expense?

The Penang that i grew up in may not be as sophisticated as it is cracked up to be today but it was much more genuine in care and comfort for  everyone of its mixed cultural groups. Today one can feel the negative energy vibrating even among those who are able to sit back and accept their fate. Today Penang is slowly being converted into another Hong Kong or Singapore and the poor is marginalised not only physically but mentally as well as spiritually.

The shanty like roadside attractions of old may not last too much longer as past of the 'New Penang', but the epople who had survived them are still struggling to stay in the loop of the invading carpet beggars and opportunists who for the most part are selling the Island piece by piece from under the locals feet.

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