Sunday, December 04, 2011

An UN-forgetable Character

Hasnul J.Saidon investigating the compound for any possible ideas on how to  move these potentially dangerous  items to the Museum at USM.
When former president G.Bush was looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction all over  Iraq little did he knew that most of the arsenal was hidden in this Otai's yard in Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Pak Zainudin Andika has been stocking these toys for many years now and it has become quite a tourist attraction at least for thos who knows where to look..
President Barak O sent one of his agents to check out thhe old dude who claims that he  was part of the rebels who stormed the police station here years ago and was arrested and sent to prison for acts of terrorism.
Above are a few of the warheads created by the Otai all set and  and ready for deployment.  The  gizmo with the blue tube nose is said to be one of the aircraft jet engines stolen from the Malaysian Air Force hanger and sold to  a third world country later. What became of this case in court is anyone's guese till this date.
Raja Shahriman wondering to himself about 'Creative Aggression'.
Exhibition of the Suspense? (Translation)
This is Abu Nawas's (A fictitious Character who was an idiot) Door! A door that is like that of the one in  Alice in Wonderland.
A Rocket the is now overgrown by weeds still awaiting to be launched, another relic of the Cold War.

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