The Blanco Renaissance Museum is a atestimony to an eccentric artist who had lived his life to the max! Located on Campuan Hill this Museum was build by Don Antonio Blanco who hailed from Catalonia, Spain and was born in 1911. He landed in Bali in 1952 after extensive travels all over the world.
He later married a famous Balinese dancer, Ni Rondji and had four children. Today his son, Mario Blanco walks in his father's footsteps of becoming yet another famous Blanco. Antonio Blanco reminds one very much of Salvador Dali in more than one way. His debonaire, flamboyant and very extrovert lifestyle befits a Sapnish artist just as Picasso did. Most people can only pretend to live such an image very few does. I am impressed by the Maestro's life's accomplishments as an artist and almost envious of his impeccable talents. His works were vibrant and alive with sensuality and colors and they sang of the life led by the artist who from his past photos was a very handsome man to boot. Antonio Blanco was well respected by Kings and Presidents in Indonesia in his lifetime. He was acquainted with th likes of President Soekarno the first Indonesian President and later with President Suharto and Adam Malik the powerful Indonesian Foreign Minister. His works are in the collections of Major Galleries around the world. Here was an Artist who earned the right to be called 'El Maestro', and he did it with finesse.
"They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. Blanco prefer to wield The Brush dipped not in paint, But in his Soul."
" I rejoiced in the bed of my bride and enjoyed 1001 joys of the flesh. I didn't have to create fantasies, I live them." A.Blanco
"Curious travellers helped bring this isolated cultural paradise to the attention of the world, mostly by way of captivating , beautiful breasts!"
Simone Paine. (On Bali)
Ubud is definitely the Art and cultural center of Bali and this is manifested in the daily lives of the people and reflected this in their daily rituals. Being historically influenced by Hinduism everywhere you turn there is a statue or a temple, an altar or a shrine by the roadside and offerings of flowers and fruits is ever fresh. Names of Hotels and cafes, roads and taxis are Hindu in origin and some are tounge twisters for those who are not familliar with
the Sanskrit.
One gets around on motorbikes as this is the cheapest form of transportation and if you do not ride one than being a pillion rider can get you around with a guide to boot. Once you are used to the prices of food and lodging than it is a matter of time to get down to getting some serious art activity down. I have been sketching mostly in my sketchbook as i intend to fill it up with as many sketches from Bali as possible. My next option is picture taking and with the camera borrowed from Lee Khai, which enables me to take about one thousand pictures in all
I am more than ready to capture the sense that is Bali in genera
l and Ubud in particular.
I am lodged at a cheap hotel which is located close to the 'Sacred Monkey Forest' and if I am lost around Ubud mentioning the Monkey Forest will get me my bearing. I visited the forest the evening I arrived and had agreat time taking pictures of Monkeys in their various acts and positions which I hope to in the future to use as part of y animal study sketches and paintings. One of the more welknown artist here who i had the oportunity to visit is I Wan Asta an artist very well known fr his monkey paintings. We ad a good visit and discuseed abut art and styles and to me his works are extraordinary in form and expression. His earlier works were based on the Epic Hindu Mythology of the "Ramayana". He told me the story of one of his paintings which depicted a battle in the forest between the Evil sister of Ravana and her army of demons and the hordes of Monkeys led by Hanuman the Monkey God. One has to know a little bit about the story of Sri Rama nd his wife Sita Dewi and the abduction of the later by the Evil King of Lanka Ravana. The essence of the story is the recovery of Sita by Rama with the help of the Monkey God Hanuman. Most of the cultural events that you see in bali whether it be the 'Wayang Kulit or Shadow Play or the 'Kacak dances presented within te
mple grounds depicts this theme of Sri Rama nd his quest to free his consort.
I met a group of artists who belongs to the Sennang Hati Foundation their shop ;located at Jalan Raya Ubud Gianyar in Ubud. The foundation is catered to the handicapped and almost all those that I have met have one form of handicap or another. Ageng is a midget who is also one of the most alive artist I have met and his Balinese paintings will definitely become a sought after pieces among collectors once they discover this guy. The the is 'Komang' whos a wood sculptor and presently creating miniature horses. He is definitely going to be another sought after creative spirit waiting t be discovered. He is a little quiet and less talkative than the others but he can be depended upon to get you places on his motorcycle. Aris paints and he cnnot walk but he has the spirit of a survivor lost his home and parents in Timor Leste during the uprising and was brought to Ubud by a French where the foundation adopted him. Today I visited their center in Gianyar where I et the rest
of the Handicap goup many among who are women.
It cost me quite a bit to keep writing like this but I just need to keep up with my blog or i will catch up and becoe too lazy to relay my latest experiences. When I get the chance to down load some picutres that goes along with these events it will be alot more interesting.
One gets around on motorbikes as this is the cheapest form of transportation and if you do not ride one than being a pillion rider can get you around with a guide to boot. Once you are used to the prices of food and lodging than it is a matter of time to get down to getting some serious art activity down. I have been sketching mostly in my sketchbook as i intend to fill it up with as many sketches from Bali as possible. My next option is picture taking and with the camera borrowed from Lee Khai, which enables me to take about one thousand pictures in all
I am lodged at a cheap hotel which is located close to the 'Sacred Monkey Forest' and if I am lost around Ubud mentioning the Monkey Forest will get me my bearing. I visited the forest the evening I arrived and had agreat time taking pictures of Monkeys in their various acts and positions which I hope to in the future to use as part of y animal study sketches and paintings. One of the more welknown artist here who i had the oportunity to visit is I Wan Asta an artist very well known fr his monkey paintings. We ad a good visit and discuseed abut art and styles and to me his works are extraordinary in form and expression. His earlier works were based on the Epic Hindu Mythology of the "Ramayana". He told me the story of one of his paintings which depicted a battle in the forest between the Evil sister of Ravana and her army of demons and the hordes of Monkeys led by Hanuman the Monkey God. One has to know a little bit about the story of Sri Rama nd his wife Sita Dewi and the abduction of the later by the Evil King of Lanka Ravana. The essence of the story is the recovery of Sita by Rama with the help of the Monkey God Hanuman. Most of the cultural events that you see in bali whether it be the 'Wayang Kulit or Shadow Play or the 'Kacak dances presented within te
I met a group of artists who belongs to the Sennang Hati Foundation their shop ;located at Jalan Raya Ubud Gianyar in Ubud. The foundation is catered to the handicapped and almost all those that I have met have one form of handicap or another. Ageng is a midget who is also one of the most alive artist I have met and his Balinese paintings will definitely become a sought after pieces among collectors once they discover this guy. The the is 'Komang' whos a wood sculptor and presently creating miniature horses. He is definitely going to be another sought after creative spirit waiting t be discovered. He is a little quiet and less talkative than the others but he can be depended upon to get you places on his motorcycle. Aris paints and he cnnot walk but he has the spirit of a survivor lost his home and parents in Timor Leste during the uprising and was brought to Ubud by a French where the foundation adopted him. Today I visited their center in Gianyar where I et the rest
It cost me quite a bit to keep writing like this but I just need to keep up with my blog or i will catch up and becoe too lazy to relay my latest experiences. When I get the chance to down load some picutres that goes along with these events it will be alot more interesting.
1.Bila berduit jgn besar kepala,jgn boros,jgn ajar anak jadi boros,
2.Jgn selalu pandang rendah pada orang.
3.Jgn ingat diri tu bagus sangat padahal habuk pun tarak.
4.Menjadi orang tua bukan bermaksud awak boleh pijak kepala org yg lebih muda dari awak dan awak tak semestinya betul dalam semua hal.
5.Jgn sebab awak dah duduk di negara asing selama berpuluh tahun awak sudah sgt bagus padahal awak sebenarnya tidak mencapai apa2 dalam hidup awak.
6.Jgn salahkan org lain atas apa yg terjadi pada diri dan keluarga awak,muhasabah diri awak sebab apa yang terjadi adalah kesilapan dari awak.Awk selalu salahkan adik-beradik awak,pernahkah awak dengar nasihat mereka ? awak seorang manusia yg keras kepala,susah utk ditegur kerana awak cepat melenting,sebab itu awak kerap bertukar kerja satu ketika dahulu kerana awak tidak tahan apabila ditegur.
5.Nancy,pernahkah awak tanya apa kehendak isteri awak? adakah awak melayan dia dgn baik? Sebelum awak hnatar dia ke USA,dia bagi tau saya tentang rasa takut dia terhadap seorang lelaki bernama Shamsul,fikiran dia kacau tapi dia ingat tentang awak,tidak ada memori yang baik tentang awak dalam diri dia ketika itu,kerana awak selalu memarahi dia,awak panggil dia 'stupid',sebenarnya dia jadi begitu kerana awak..dia takutkan awak..awak adalah suami yg perengus,dia kerja tapi duit awak yg habiskan utk beli peralatan utk lukisan awak,anak2 pun awak x pandai ajar,awak ajar anak awak jadi boros,bukn sahaja boros tapi tak reti bertatasusila,awak ni melayu yang tidak ada identiti.
6.Berhenti salahkan orang atas apa yg terjadi pada diri awak,disebabkan kebodohan awaklah nasib anak2 awak seperti ini,lagipun anak2 awak tak bertatasusila,patutlah pakcik dan makcik mereka tak sukakan mereka.
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great article. u have a very good flair in writing. try to write on the resorts in bali if possible
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