Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Count Down...

"To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on his shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talent; what a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be in his finest hour,"
Sir Winston Churchill.

The tragedy has occured for me once before afew years back when I first took a trip to Sumatra in Indonesia where I spent more than I shoud have and was not able to deliver a worthwhile result as far as my travels goes. All I came back with from this trip was many picture taken of an almost continuous journey of ten days all across the island of Sumatra stopping at various places of interest and scenic beauty. As far being productive in the more creativr sense of an artist I felt i did not accomplish much other than being a tourist. I hope this will not be the case with my next trip which woulld be covering hopefully the areas of central Java. Thre weeks may not seem much time wise for what i intend to do but three well planned weeks might make a difference.

What, indeed, is my plan? Actually there is no plan only wishes or hopes that things would happen according to my imagination. I imagine travelling cheap and appearing cheap and obscure taking the road less taken by others like visitng small villages in remote areas. Meeting with the day to day man on the street and recording aesthetically their activities. Capturing uncommon scenes and stumbbling up unknown experiences that would be exciting to sketch, write and later talk about. Making a friend or two in the process where sharing of lifestyles and experiences can be made for the benifit of all. I plan to start my journey exploring Jogyakarta and its surrounding areas, maybe being abvle to visit as many galleries and artist residence as possible. I also would like to find a theme for my art works of the whole trip, it could be of peole or landmarks, like my focus on Japanese templs when I was in Japan.

I am planning on carrying just a bag pack and my art portfolio, travelling as light as possible in order that i can do alot of travelling of foot. I will carry on only that much currency that I will not be tempted to splurge with my accomodations. A mosque or a cheap lodging just for the night is all I would need. Food is not that expensive and i know I can handle most of what I might find along the road. So all in all I am hoping that this journey will be well worth the cost at the end of the day.
My Shintaido Sketches.
like who is AOKI SENSEI??
and what is SHINTAIDO??

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