Never have i been more thorough in my preperation for a journey as i have done this time around and i even bought a travelling insurance from MCIS Zurich which accordingly should ensure my journey to Central Jave is fully covered in case of any unforseen incidents or mishaps. I felt the need to have this coverage simply because of my two children who will need some form of secutiry blanket in the event that thier father fails to return safely. I have enver thought of this before when i was a bachelor and globe trotting into countries like Colombia and Equador burning the bridges behind me and not worried whether i return or not. 
Met my sponsor this morning and had our final discussion over breakfast and after that went to the bank to get the reast of my cash for the trip. Again the difference with this trip from those before is that i am obliged to make it happen like I am commissioned to do a painting. Even though it was all agreed upon mututal trust and confidence I still feel that there is an unwritten sense of agreement to 'produce' or deliver at the end of the day. As they say nothing is free in this days and age and one does not survive on reputation and good looks alone, there is always a give and take, cheque and balance. Initially when I decided to become a tavelling Artist I was made accountable to the faculty members at the University of Wisconsin, Grren bay as i was an "Independant Student" doing his self designed independant studies. In the late 70s, the University of Wisconsin at Madison created a pioneer program called 'The University Without Walls', whereby students who qualified wer allowed and encouraged to create their own course of studies based upon their elected studies. Mine was "Art in Quest of The Universality" a propossal I submitted to the board of faculty members who decided that my idea was acceptable without even calling me in for an interview which most other applicants were subjected to.
My argument was that as an artist working in the studios alone was not benifitting me and limitting my potential. I would rather 'Live' as an artist on the street recording life as I travel and later presenting them to my proffessors upon my return to the campus. This idea found no objection from any of the decission makers in the program and it became my trademark. It was quite exilerating to return to the campus every end of the semester from different parts of the world and sharing with fellow students my experiences and presenting my works at lectures and art shows. I was able to share various cultures and ehtnic practices, beautiful lanscapes and unique events and episodes that otherwise could not have been realised by my fellow artist and lecturers a the univesity in this small Midwestern town of Green Bay. As every new semester began I was often stopped in the hallways and asked where i was headed that semester as though it was taken for granted that i was leaving for some faraway lands to do my studies.
My philosophy then was to broaden my horizon by travelling and and experiencing life while recording these activites through my art in various forms and techniques including as it is at present the writing of this blog. With the technological advancement in the art of communication like the internet and the latest techniques and state of the art digital cameras which allows one to take as many picture as possibly can on a trip 'travelling art' has taken on a whole new and advanced form or expression. The whole worldwide internet users and blog readers is one's audience and one is obliged to do the best for them.

Met my sponsor this morning and had our final discussion over breakfast and after that went to the bank to get the reast of my cash for the trip. Again the difference with this trip from those before is that i am obliged to make it happen like I am commissioned to do a painting. Even though it was all agreed upon mututal trust and confidence I still feel that there is an unwritten sense of agreement to 'produce' or deliver at the end of the day. As they say nothing is free in this days and age and one does not survive on reputation and good looks alone, there is always a give and take, cheque and balance. Initially when I decided to become a tavelling Artist I was made accountable to the faculty members at the University of Wisconsin, Grren bay as i was an "Independant Student" doing his self designed independant studies. In the late 70s, the University of Wisconsin at Madison created a pioneer program called 'The University Without Walls', whereby students who qualified wer allowed and encouraged to create their own course of studies based upon their elected studies. Mine was "Art in Quest of The Universality" a propossal I submitted to the board of faculty members who decided that my idea was acceptable without even calling me in for an interview which most other applicants were subjected to.
My argument was that as an artist working in the studios alone was not benifitting me and limitting my potential. I would rather 'Live' as an artist on the street recording life as I travel and later presenting them to my proffessors upon my return to the campus. This idea found no objection from any of the decission makers in the program and it became my trademark. It was quite exilerating to return to the campus every end of the semester from different parts of the world and sharing with fellow students my experiences and presenting my works at lectures and art shows. I was able to share various cultures and ehtnic practices, beautiful lanscapes and unique events and episodes that otherwise could not have been realised by my fellow artist and lecturers a the univesity in this small Midwestern town of Green Bay. As every new semester began I was often stopped in the hallways and asked where i was headed that semester as though it was taken for granted that i was leaving for some faraway lands to do my studies.
My philosophy then was to broaden my horizon by travelling and and experiencing life while recording these activites through my art in various forms and techniques including as it is at present the writing of this blog. With the technological advancement in the art of communication like the internet and the latest techniques and state of the art digital cameras which allows one to take as many picture as possibly can on a trip 'travelling art' has taken on a whole new and advanced form or expression. The whole worldwide internet users and blog readers is one's audience and one is obliged to do the best for them.
The Guy in the Lazyboy chair is none other than the Cheeseburgerbuddha himself. While lving in the U.S. a great deal of time was spent as a couch potato, however great wisdom was also derived from the numerous amount TV time spent.
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