Sunday, October 19, 2014

The 'Wise Men of Merbok.

If i had known this organic story 20 years ago i would have insisted that everyone in the village in Merbok grow their rice this way! How i wish i am twenty years younger! I was in the Military at one time too, you know ...
When I first met "The Captain"  or Major as some calls him for he was a major in the Malaysian Special Forces  at one time in his life, the Captain was not too happy things were not going the way he had envisioned. So in one of or conversations i told him to keep at it and when it is ripe and ready they will come looking for you. I took this from the movie with Cavin Costner called  a Field of Dreams. Although in the movie it was the building of a Baseball field or Diamond out on his farm instead of growing corn. 

A group of "Old timers " mostly farmers from a small town of Merbok came by, forty of them in all to learn about organic Rice Farming.. The captain gave a great spill on the subject and being an exp army guy he has his rough ways about handling people especially those who have preconceive ideas of what they expect from the talk.. 

The 'lecture hall looked like a classroom of adults who came for a religious gathering or ceramah. They each had their own  personality and it was something that i honed on into with the camera, I captured their essence  as they sat nonchalantly listening to the talk.

My interest in taking these pictures was to hopefully do some sketching from them in a later date. It would be a good study for my intended idea of creating a Malay character caricature for a cartoon strip. 

They plant one seedling at a time! Now who is going to do all that work? I am getting too old to be bent over all day long in the hot sun ? My bad back is already killing me just thinking about it.

All this while no one has told me that DuPont Bayer, Monbanto and all those major Western  suppliera of chemical fertilizers and pesticide were Jewish companies! This is not acceptable, it is Haram! What is he talking about the Conspiracy Theory? One world order? Who is the Illuminati guy? What has all this to do with a small farmer like me?!

I have lived this long without this organic stuff, why begin now? I will the younger generation dwell on it it is they who is going to inherit this project anyway.

It my nap time, all that long walks and hot sun is simply killing me!

Organic 'Rokok Daun?'  now that is an idea!

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