One sad part of growing old is seeing your friends and family recalled one by one, and then a vibrant, productive, creative, and full of Love and Compassion toward one and all regardless of color snatched away from his life. Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun! I was stumped!
"Kita kena nasi Kandak, Kampung Melayu, apa kata Macan?!"
Through your creative genius and passion, you have become a legend. You have left behind a legacy of faith, commitment, resilience, and devotion to your fellow man. This City, this State, owes you a debt of gratitude. In the name of all the Penang Artists, the Crowd on the street, and the walls of the city, I say Thank You, Alhamdullilah! my Son. I am sure they will have a Kampung Melayu Nasi Kandak for us when I see you again.
Mi, Pagi Jumaat ni says minta maaf dan minta halal makan minum diantara kita. Sedeh tu sapa tak sedeh, hati sapa tak rasa kehilangan saorang sahabat yang tali penjalinan siratulrahim kita sama seperti saorang ayah dan saorang anak jantan; sedeh sama seperti kehilangan saorang anak.
Semoga Allah a.w.j. permudahkan segala jejak langkah menuju kearash Yang Maha Pencipta.
Attempting the Longest Caricature Sketches on Paper
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