Wednesday, September 08, 2021

The choice is we either become demonic or we choose the divine...

As I sat meditating over the what and why of my thoughts and feelings over the whole pandemic situation I came to realize that my soul is in pain as I ponder upon the state of humanity and the environment is in today. I feel the decadent in my health somehow closely connected to how the Planet itself is feeling from so much corruption and pollution mostly the result of man's propensity towards greed and self aggrandizement. I carry the guilt deep within me so much so that my heart aches and as I told my daughter a few days ago, it will be the cause of my death. It is my sin that I am responsible for the cause of this destruction of nature and the gradual extinction of its numerous species, I am responsible for I have contributed towards the cause and am not able to remedy the situation that is now flung way out of hand. It breaks my heart beyond words and sits like a numbness of having a stake piercing my heart for many years of my life now; I found out that it is called angina among other names but to me it is a manifestation of how I feel about my life in general and the state of humanity and the planet in particular. It is a painful feeling while at the same time there is no hope for a reprieve or so it seems.

It seems as though the Planet itself is suffering of old age and decadence manifesting itself in so much destruction both natural and man made. How to help reverse the situation? How to reboot or jump start a healing process even if things seems way out of hand?  Is there a remedy that can be utilize to help with a vigorous healing process before things becomes irreversible and the answer is ironically in the Pandemic that is tearing at the very fabric of humanity a whole. The Pandemic has acted as a hand brake that has forced the momentum of human so called development to a grinding halt. It perhaps may not solve the over population issue where the balance for a sustainable existence is concern but it has very much slowed down the pollution causing industries especially in the travel sectors; we see less planes in the skies and more on the ground where they belong. We see less luxurious vessels prying the oceans and less vehicles on the roads and this simply means less pollution where carbon fuels is concern. We see less desecration of the wilderness especially during the holidays and wildlife is left pretty much alone to proliferate with the absence of human activities.

What is most disturbing to me to witness is the desecration of the oceans around the world; it is scary to say the least. Plastic is a curse and a blessing where human ingenuity and creative capability is concern. The mountains of plastic waste on land and in many rivers  and the seas itself is phenomenal and it keeps on growing like there is no end to it. The damage that is done to the environment is like the presence of cancerous cells in the human body, not only choking up rivers but killing wildlife on land and in the sea as well. There will never be a moratorium on the production of plastics as too many industries are involved in its manufacturing, however there will come a tipping point that will force governments to impose the restrictions on plastic productions and find ways and means of proper and safe disposal of plastic waste. It cannot be emphasize enough on the issue of plastic pollution as it is as bad if not worse than the COVID pandemic itself. Humanity cannot afford to live in denial of this dilemma that is glaring at us with a dire long term threat for the Planet as a whole.  

If half the expenses spent on the existing wars all over the world, big or small is being channeled towards solving the various environmental issues, we could stand a chance of making an impact on the healing process of our planet. No sense in going into the details as it is an open secret as to how much of the world's economy is budgeted towards the military structure and all in the name of defense and security. Political expediency in running a clean and un-corrupted governance of a nation is becoming a rare commodity among most developing countries and politicians are in for the money rather than keeping the vows of office to uphold the well being of their constituencies. Greed and lust for power has become the norm for the ruling elite who cling to their office and status for the sake of self serving their own needs. Taking advantage of the ever growing sense of herd mentality and the surrender of the will to cry for justice and freedom from among the masses, politicians has become parasites preying upon its host not unlike the very virus that is threatening to unravel the very fabric of the society itself. Fear has become an instrument of choice especially the fear of becoming a victim of the pandemic and this fear has now become endemic in the psyche of most common folks who are the easy target for any political herd gathering. The intellects the, pedagogues, the well educated heads of offices has been hiding their heads in the sand for fear of making any controversial remarks that might jeopardize their their status and hence their bread and butter; it's is simply cold wisdom of self preservation.

One could rattle on and on as to what is causing the stress and dis-ease in one's  body, mind and spirit, however suffice to say that it all leads to one's own self awareness. That cure is in the thorough understanding of the nature of the whole panoramic view of the state of human consciousness itself. It is us that has created the demons that we face today and our fallacy, our failure to get a strong hold on our understanding of what our mind is capable of both individually as well as collectively, it is this ignorance that has brought this tragedy upon ourselves. Our materialistic and absolute scientific approach towards human development has nudged our sense of humanity, of love and compassion, or care towards others making us no different than automatons, living the life of the Matrix, (as in the movie). We are becoming self fulfilling in our progress towards achieving whatever goals that is that we are pursuing for we have really lost even the idea itself of what it is that we are looking for as a whole. Most of us are lost in a limbo not yet fully turned into mindless zombies but on the road to becoming one.

And I asked myself why did God in all His infinite wisdom sent man the COVID pandemic, or why has He made me sick. My answer is as I have tried to share but it is still not the whole truth. For those who has the propensity to think too much pondering the details of life, the answers are not too difficult or too abstruse to unveil, however the question remains as to how or what does one do with it that it may be of positive use towards the betterment of the human cause. In other words how does one get out of this mess and help to drag others along towards being awakened to the reality that we face. How do we stop ourselves and others from becoming automated demons and zombies and stand and fight for our liberation from the tyranny of being in a state of collective ignorant and held in bondage through a herd mentality. The wisdom that I see in why God has delivered us the pandemic is to wake us up in the most drastic way as a specie and if we still fail to open our senses and take appropriate actions to remedy our situation than what lies ahead is not what we would wish for. The choice is still in our hands, to become demonic or  divine. 

" Your own Self -Realization is the greatest service  you can render the World." - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.     

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