Sunday, September 26, 2021

I keep telling the same tales so much so that I am beginning to believe myself.

 AdvaitaVedanta teachings are a road map towards discovering who you truly are especially when you feel lost while looking for yourself. I have been snooping off and on into this spiritual school of Vedic origins, however have never really made any serious study perhaps due to religious prejudices. I have always considered myself being a Muslim afte being converted to Islam when I was twelve years old. I have lived among Muslim relatives and friends most of my life and exposed to Islamic tenets and virtues that most of all forbids the worship of idols and Hinduism is littered with idols of deities and gods. I officially became a Muslim when I moved to the East Coast to join my parents and siblings after having been living with my uncle and relatives in Penang, (on the West coast). My uncle who adopted me since birth was a Buddhist and had insisted that I too be raised as a Buddhist. Hence for twelve years of my childhood days I was a Buddhist living among the rest of my aunt and uncles who were Muslims. My uncle was the only one in the house who remained a Buddhist having refused to convert to Islam. I was raised actually in a dual religious environment. 

Even as a child it was not easy to reconcile with the fact that I was a religious freak who worshiped two 'Gods' and the Muslim in me was just as strong as the Buddhist at the age of five or six when I was made to attend the Buddhist Pali classes at the every week end at a Buddhist temple close to our home. The Mahindrama Buddhist temple is considered one of the oldest if not the oldest Hinayana Buddhist temple in the country and in it my grandfather was responsible for all the art works of sculptures and wall murals. He was specially brought from Sri Lanka and employed to do this along with some help and assistants and he also brought his younger brother with him. Before he became a Muslim marrying my Grandmother in Deli, Sumatra, Indonesia (A district near Medan), my grandfather's name was Paul Mariano. He was fair skinned and had an almost Eurpean look about him; he was a Singhalese from Sri Lanka which in his days was called Ceylon by the British, My grand father was an artist who after having completed his task at the Budhhist temple had decided to join a stage troupe called the ' Kumpulan Bangsawan,'(Malay Opera), in the local Indonesian and Malay language. He was in charge of the props and back ground paintings.

The Bangsawan Theater gained strong support in Indonesia especially on the Island of Sumatra and later in Malaya, (Malaysia). As children growing up in Penang one of our favorite pastime was listening to the Bangsawan Di-Udara or Bangsawan on the air. When the time came we young and old alike would be glued to the radio to catch the latest episode of Panji Semerang series from performances by the local Bangsawan artists on radio. To me it was a source of inspiration and imagination and I would become one of the main characters in my dreams with names like Raden Inu Ketrtapati, and Raden Panji Semerang, names that were exotic and mysterious to my childhood memory yet they stuck in my mind till this day. The Bangsawan theater was performed originally for the benefit of the Royal household's entertainment in the different states in Indonesia and Malaya; Bangsawan means the royal folks and their entourage.

It was through being a part of the Bangsawan Troupe as a lead artist that my grandfather became friends with the Sultan in Medan; their mutual favorite pastime was drinking. My grandfather being a non Muslim was able to drink with the Sultan without the ruler feeling self conscious for being a Muslim. And this went on until sometime in 1945-46, the then President Soekarno came into power and with his Partai Komunis Indonesia,(PKI) decided to end all Indonesian Sultanate with a pogrom of all the royal bloods. It was then that the Sultan decided to marry one of his cousins to my grandfather and sent them in exile to the neighboring country of Pulau Pinang or Penang, Malaya. My mother the eldest of the three children was born in Summatra, possibly Medan or Deli. She was most beautiful and fair skinned and was well cared for by the royal household before the escape to Penang. Even while living as refugees in Penang my grand mother would be visited annually by ladies from  Indonesia bearing gifts of jewelry and batik sarongs. Their where about was kept a secret and was under the watchful eye of the Penang Special Branch who were made aware of their identities and the threats to their lives. Hence we found grandma's house sitting in the middle of nowhere amidst a mangrove swamp where the tidal floods would bring about garbage from all over an left them at the doorsteps. My grandma's house was located in Sungai Pinang, Kampung Selut. 

Anyway to make a short story even longer, the reason I was not more into the teachings of Shankaracharia on Atma Bodha was because of these childhood background that instilled into my mind that Islam is my religion as it is my Grand parents and parent's relgion and as such I became paranoid when it comes to images depicting gods and deities. it was in later years in my life that I began exploring other religions especially when I was in college in the the United States. I will have to admit that spirituality came to me while in the Midwest of the United states after my total breakdown as a human being; I was living a hedonistic lifestyle after my divorce and loosing my son in my first marriage. It was during the nadir of my life that I found the doors of spirituality opened to me. it was then that I started delving into the nature of all the religious schools found on the planet. Hinduism was still left in the back burner except in the form of the study of Yoga. I latched on to Buddhism especially Zen Buddhism which I found most alluring in its cut and dry approach towards spirituality. I felt a sense of freedom from religious inhibition like I was while living in my own country where Islam held me in its religious and cultural grid lock. The prejudices and accusations thrown at me while growing up from childhood through my teen years hung around my neck like and dead albatross where Islam was concern and later the same happened to my children when they arrived in the country via the East Coast. The treatment my children received form the Malay Muslim children while they were in school was something that akes me want to puke with anger every time I think of it. So Islam held no strong sway over me as a faith when I was younger. Now off course I have realized that it was not the religion itself that bugged me, it was the environment and circumstances I was thrown into that kept my mind from accepting the religion.



Wednesday, September 22, 2021

I Am That...Am I? - Sat Chit Ananda

  And this morning seems not like any other morning as i had a harder time slipping into my routine and even got mad at the cat while doing it - so now after taking care as best i could the minor chores, I decided to listen to Hans Zimmer's "Last Samurai" theme full blast with ear phones. A form mental distortion or shift when it all seems overwhelming; a poor substitute for meditation. Oh I know it all sounds like an intellectual crap of saying something like I am fucked and things are not getting any better ...or so it seems. A Message from Green Bay Wisconsin, Jerry Sule wants to know if I am still alive and it helps to open up this can of worms that has been festering in me from different angles and in all forms but could not fine any outlet to regurgitate. And the music roars in my head filling it up with rumblings amidst the melancholic waves of sadness that depicted the end of a culture - The Last Samurai. 

I have been giving sometime focusing my mind on the study of Sri Shankcharia's works on "Atma Bodha' or Self Knowledge which I find is like a ray of light upon my groping in the dark all these years trying t make sense out of all the non-sense of my spiritual being. I feel like I have finally found the path towards my final destination of my self-liberation. However it will still be a long course of study and practice in order that I can absorb and assimilate the Advaita Vedanta teachings into my daily routine...and the complete and perfect knowledge will clear the ignorance from my mind and erase the cause of suffering. This has always been my goal from the beginning some decades ago when I first was confronted with the question of my own true nature - Who am I? Ever since I was awakened to this quest to learn the truth about myself I have had to face all kinds of conundrum such as which God should I worship or am I strong enough to take on the austerities and precepts set by some of the teachings, am I worthy of calling myself an awakened soul or an enlightened being while still trapped in this realm of Maya in this physical form while attached still to old habits and mental and spiritual weaknesses? Am I capable of recognizing the truth when it stands in my face before me and what do I expect of this when it happens, or it already happened only I have failed to awakened to it... have you ever listened to the Shakuhachi being played by a master? - it screams from the heart pure and clean, the sound.

The shakuhachi is a traditional Japanese flute generally made of bamboo and consisting of five holes. ... The shakuhachi originally entered Japan from China during China's Tang dynasty of the 6th century as a 6-holed flute. By the 10th century, the instrument had become unique to Japan.

 Talk about a change of subject! I felt I was drifting into a topic that I am still grappling with and have no idea of how near or far I am from getting to the heart of the matter; I am still doubtful. I still have reservations about making a solid commitment towards accepting the truth as expounded in the teachings Advaita Vedanta of Sri Shankaracharya on the subject of Atma Bodha or self knowledge. This teachings from the ancient Vedic texts cuts through all that I have come to know about my true nature and laid it bare with a divine twist of the dictum; Tat tvam asi or That I am...something like that; I Am Brahman! It's like declaring I am God or Allah (incarnate) or that my essence is God or that which I truly am is the Divine that has manifested all that is, that was and that will ever be...I am That, I am. What seems blasphemous to most religions especially the monotheistic religions of Abraham and Moses, of Jesus and Mohammad of which I am related to in some way through conversion and later faith. I believe as it is said, this is where I take my leap of faith and make my choice, to be or not to be. Who or what is Atma- Brahman?

They have an immortal essence that lives on, even after death. Now, Brahman can be best described as the cosmic soul. It's the divine Universe, the Ultimate Reality of the cosmos. Brahman is pure Consciousness. ... So when we say, “Atman is Brahman,” we're saying that the individual soul is the same as the universal soul. Wikipedia.

It has taken me almost a lifetime to come to this state of being or consciousness in who I truly am and it really is nothing special even if I truly can assume my image of myself as such a Divine Being, like it is not that I am aiming to rule the world much less the universe and I am still having migraine headaches and angina attacks with now rapidly developing shortness of breath; I am as human as I ever can be even if I assume myself to become the Atma-Brahman is truth. It is like experiencing a Satori, or catching a glimpse of the reality of what lies beyond the veil of of my ignorance. At my age of 72 nothing really can shake the foundation of my existence except perhaps death when it occurs and this is I am preparing for as I wish that Iwill die fully conscious of the experience while is is happening...Insha'Allah, God willing. I love God in whatever form or name He/She is called and it is not out of fear for al the wrongs I have done in my life but simply because, to me there is and has to be higher Being or state of consciousness than my self and i believe that this Being holds the key to answers to all my questions and my doubts. There is no complete answers out there and no matter how much knowledge and experiences I can gather there will never be a complete and profound answer and perhaps there never really is, but the likes of the Buddha, The Christ and many great Saints and Sages have succeeded to crack the impenetrable veil of ignorance to expose what lies beyond and it would be an insult to them for me to accept any less of an answer for myself. I would rather end up in hell for claiming my divinity in nature than for my transgressions while stuck being a slave to my ignorance. If truth be told, I would not choose heaven or hell when I die, but I would rather return to That which is my Original Nature.  

"I want to be free to bring my love to everyone. And I think you should feel the same way. I think you should be open to all teachers and all teachings and listen with your heart." ...Ram Dass.  #ramdass,#buddha,#Christ, #allah, #atmabrahman, #atmabodha, #advaitavedanta #hanszimmer, #tattvamasi, #satori  

Friday, September 17, 2021

Notes to myself.


Relevant notes for teaching of Atma Bodha or self knowledge             

Pancha Koshas = The Five states.

You can visualize the five koshas surrounding the soul as the layers of an onion or a matryoshka — the wooden Russian nesting doll that contains smaller and smaller versions of itself.

Working with the koshas may allow you to go deeply into the center of your self or soul. This can help you take your spiritual practice to the next level and make positive changes in your self, your life, and the world around you.

An awareness of the physical and mental koshas is the starting point for you to become aware of the deeper layers within.


The annamaya kosha is the physical sheath that composes the outer layer. It’s sometimes referred to as the food sheath.

Your body weight or size can reflect your physical sheath, as well as any physical ailments or concerns you have. You can also pay attention to how your body reacts to different types of food.


The pranamaya kosha is the vital energy, breath, or life force sheath. In Sanskrit, the word “prana” refers to life force and is the word for breath.

Awareness of this kosha allows you to move stagnant energy, so you can experience greater vitality and an energetic connection to yourself, others, and nature.


The manomaya kosha is contained within the annamaya and pranamaya koshas. It acts as a messenger, bringing experiences and sensations from the outer world into your intuitive body.

This is the mental sheath that represents your:

  • mind
  • emotions
  • inner world

This layer includes thought forms, mental activity, and awareness of thoughts. Getting in touch with this kosha involves looking at your perceptions and mental patterns.


The vijnanamaya kosha is the astral or psychic body that’s your seat of intuition.

Known as the awareness or wisdom sheath, it allows you to develop a deeper awareness and to see reality for what it is. Thought of as “the mind beyond the mind,” this kosha is connected to your deeper and more subtle layers of thoughts.

The vijnanamaya kosha helps develop clarity and inner reflection as you learn to detach from your thoughts, ego, or sense of self. By remaining the witness, you may learn to become more present and aware of each moment.


The anandamaya kosha is referred to as the bliss body. It’s the deepest and subtlest of all layers — so much so that some people even say you can’t use words to describe it. Instead, it must be felt and experienced.

Developing your anandamaya kosha requires the discipline to complete inner work and spiritual practices over a long period.

This level of consciousness relates to the essence of your true self or nature, which is perfection.

Transcending all five sheaths can lead to a state of samadhi, or unity between individual and universal consciousness. This is said to be pure bliss or joy.

While you may not reach samadhi, you may experience glimpses or moments of bliss that are bright enough to color your world and awaken these feelings of joy, even if only for brief moments. _ healthline. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Knowledge removes suffering.


Atma Bodha a complete teaching on 'Self Discovery' by Sri Shankaracharya some 1200 years ago based on the ancient wisdom of the Advaita Vedanta school of the Vedas is what I have been chewing on of late. This is like putting the cart before the horse in my effort to study the way of self realization; I should have met with Shankara's way in the early stages of my journey, it would have made it a whole lot easier and sensible. However it is better late than never and this is also a lesson in prejudice when it comes to the acquisition of knowledge and spiritual truths. I avoided taking the route of Hinduism when it came to acquiring wisdom and knowledge about any spiritual understanding. Perhaps it is a part of growing up in a multi- cultural and religious society where Hinduism is still a religion that is not so well accepted due to its 'too many Gods and weird images', nature. Growing up being converted from Buddhism to Islam had its impact upon my spiritual psyche and I never confronted it until in my later adult life. I still remember in my childhood years like most Muslim kids, I would shy away from Hindu and Chinese temples  out of fear and prejudice or today I would say out of ignorance. The images of the gods and deities scattered in and about these temples were scary for us as were the sounds and smells when one is in their vicinity. However in average I was among the most liberal and less paranoid about this as I was exposed allot more than most of my childhood peers having grown up among the Chinese and Hindu friends. Twelve years of being raised a Buddhist also afforded me the ability to absorbs my surroundings at temples better than an average Muslim Malay kid.

The real in- depth teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism, that which transcends the images, or the essence of the teachings came to me while I was living in the United States. It was during my years in college that I was exposed to the Eastern Religions and philosophies of Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism among other religions and this includes Islam. One of the classes that i had was "Comparative Religions," and I enjoyed it very much as my professor, Elmer Havens, was also most friendly.if not fatherly to me. It was while taking this classes that I came to accept that my interest in studies is not just in the Fine Arts but perhaps more so in the Religious and Philosophy school or of spiritual and  existential thoughts department. I was re-introduced to various schools and teachers in the 'old traditions' that I had taken for granted or totally neglected to pay any attention to, in Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism and even became more attuned to Islam in the form of Sufism. It was while in college that my spiritual interest and quest took on a more serious course in my life. It was then that I came upon books and writings that helped to open up my perceptions and understanding of the scary images of other religions in my childhood days. 

"  Beginningless, indescribable ignorance is said to be the causal body.Distinct from the three bodies.(including mental and physical,) is your inner self, Atma, which you should discern."  - verse 13, Atma Bodha by Shankracarya. 

Who or what is suffering from this COVID symptoms when the virus attacks? The body, the mind, the energy source, but are you affected if you are not really any of these? This is the discernment that is crucial for one to understand according to Shankara in his elucidation of the Atma Bodha Vicara...

Vichāra[1] means deliberation; It is the faculty of discrimination that discerns the Real, (Brahman), from the unreal. .

The cause of suffering is ignorance, ignorance of the true nature of the Self, the 'Real' you, the Atman. The all pervasive, all encompassing  formless unborn Buddha Nature or state of Absolute Consciousness. You are not the body, nor are you the mind or the energy that course through your body. This is who you truly are according to the Hinduism and Shankara was able to discern this claim in detail to completion for our understanding, at least for those who have been chosen to heed the call for the ultimate liberation from suffering in this life. Most of humanity has never heard of such a name much less of what the ancient sage had set about to accomplish for the benefit of mankind and thus we live out our lives in ignorance and face unnecessary states of disease, pain and suffering. As human most of us are groping in the dark seeking for answers that eludes us about our inherent nature, our true being beyond mind and body, flesh and blood and thoughts and emotions. Lost in this this physical realm we adapt our selves towards personal survival amidst all the challenges that we believe that we are confronted by; we strive towards taking care of number one. It is due to this illusion that we a trapped into becoming slaves to our existence rather than divine beings manifesting our own divinity into the universe. It is in not having a thorough understanding who we truly are is why we suffer. #atmabodha, #shankarcharya, #atman, #brahman, hinduism, #buddhism, #islam, #selfdiscovery 


Wednesday, September 08, 2021

The choice is we either become demonic or we choose the divine...

As I sat meditating over the what and why of my thoughts and feelings over the whole pandemic situation I came to realize that my soul is in pain as I ponder upon the state of humanity and the environment is in today. I feel the decadent in my health somehow closely connected to how the Planet itself is feeling from so much corruption and pollution mostly the result of man's propensity towards greed and self aggrandizement. I carry the guilt deep within me so much so that my heart aches and as I told my daughter a few days ago, it will be the cause of my death. It is my sin that I am responsible for the cause of this destruction of nature and the gradual extinction of its numerous species, I am responsible for I have contributed towards the cause and am not able to remedy the situation that is now flung way out of hand. It breaks my heart beyond words and sits like a numbness of having a stake piercing my heart for many years of my life now; I found out that it is called angina among other names but to me it is a manifestation of how I feel about my life in general and the state of humanity and the planet in particular. It is a painful feeling while at the same time there is no hope for a reprieve or so it seems.

It seems as though the Planet itself is suffering of old age and decadence manifesting itself in so much destruction both natural and man made. How to help reverse the situation? How to reboot or jump start a healing process even if things seems way out of hand?  Is there a remedy that can be utilize to help with a vigorous healing process before things becomes irreversible and the answer is ironically in the Pandemic that is tearing at the very fabric of humanity a whole. The Pandemic has acted as a hand brake that has forced the momentum of human so called development to a grinding halt. It perhaps may not solve the over population issue where the balance for a sustainable existence is concern but it has very much slowed down the pollution causing industries especially in the travel sectors; we see less planes in the skies and more on the ground where they belong. We see less luxurious vessels prying the oceans and less vehicles on the roads and this simply means less pollution where carbon fuels is concern. We see less desecration of the wilderness especially during the holidays and wildlife is left pretty much alone to proliferate with the absence of human activities.

What is most disturbing to me to witness is the desecration of the oceans around the world; it is scary to say the least. Plastic is a curse and a blessing where human ingenuity and creative capability is concern. The mountains of plastic waste on land and in many rivers  and the seas itself is phenomenal and it keeps on growing like there is no end to it. The damage that is done to the environment is like the presence of cancerous cells in the human body, not only choking up rivers but killing wildlife on land and in the sea as well. There will never be a moratorium on the production of plastics as too many industries are involved in its manufacturing, however there will come a tipping point that will force governments to impose the restrictions on plastic productions and find ways and means of proper and safe disposal of plastic waste. It cannot be emphasize enough on the issue of plastic pollution as it is as bad if not worse than the COVID pandemic itself. Humanity cannot afford to live in denial of this dilemma that is glaring at us with a dire long term threat for the Planet as a whole.  

If half the expenses spent on the existing wars all over the world, big or small is being channeled towards solving the various environmental issues, we could stand a chance of making an impact on the healing process of our planet. No sense in going into the details as it is an open secret as to how much of the world's economy is budgeted towards the military structure and all in the name of defense and security. Political expediency in running a clean and un-corrupted governance of a nation is becoming a rare commodity among most developing countries and politicians are in for the money rather than keeping the vows of office to uphold the well being of their constituencies. Greed and lust for power has become the norm for the ruling elite who cling to their office and status for the sake of self serving their own needs. Taking advantage of the ever growing sense of herd mentality and the surrender of the will to cry for justice and freedom from among the masses, politicians has become parasites preying upon its host not unlike the very virus that is threatening to unravel the very fabric of the society itself. Fear has become an instrument of choice especially the fear of becoming a victim of the pandemic and this fear has now become endemic in the psyche of most common folks who are the easy target for any political herd gathering. The intellects the, pedagogues, the well educated heads of offices has been hiding their heads in the sand for fear of making any controversial remarks that might jeopardize their their status and hence their bread and butter; it's is simply cold wisdom of self preservation.

One could rattle on and on as to what is causing the stress and dis-ease in one's  body, mind and spirit, however suffice to say that it all leads to one's own self awareness. That cure is in the thorough understanding of the nature of the whole panoramic view of the state of human consciousness itself. It is us that has created the demons that we face today and our fallacy, our failure to get a strong hold on our understanding of what our mind is capable of both individually as well as collectively, it is this ignorance that has brought this tragedy upon ourselves. Our materialistic and absolute scientific approach towards human development has nudged our sense of humanity, of love and compassion, or care towards others making us no different than automatons, living the life of the Matrix, (as in the movie). We are becoming self fulfilling in our progress towards achieving whatever goals that is that we are pursuing for we have really lost even the idea itself of what it is that we are looking for as a whole. Most of us are lost in a limbo not yet fully turned into mindless zombies but on the road to becoming one.

And I asked myself why did God in all His infinite wisdom sent man the COVID pandemic, or why has He made me sick. My answer is as I have tried to share but it is still not the whole truth. For those who has the propensity to think too much pondering the details of life, the answers are not too difficult or too abstruse to unveil, however the question remains as to how or what does one do with it that it may be of positive use towards the betterment of the human cause. In other words how does one get out of this mess and help to drag others along towards being awakened to the reality that we face. How do we stop ourselves and others from becoming automated demons and zombies and stand and fight for our liberation from the tyranny of being in a state of collective ignorant and held in bondage through a herd mentality. The wisdom that I see in why God has delivered us the pandemic is to wake us up in the most drastic way as a specie and if we still fail to open our senses and take appropriate actions to remedy our situation than what lies ahead is not what we would wish for. The choice is still in our hands, to become demonic or  divine. 

" Your own Self -Realization is the greatest service  you can render the World." - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.     

Sunday, September 05, 2021

My Bouts with COVID19 - the joke was on me.

 Almost two weeks now that i had been enjoying the thrashing of my body mind and spirit by the virus; I have become another victim of the pandemic since my last Blg entry which was Friday the 20th. of August. I believe it was  through having contact with my son who had returned from his first COVID vaccine and fell ill from it. There were moments since when I felt like my end was inevitable and the pains I had to endure were so unbearable that I almost had my daughter called me the ambulance. However i have had my share of physical pains and suffering in the past and the past two weeks was not much different except for the inconvenience and discomfort. What was and perhaps still is that is most disconcerting is the deliriums that i go through every time i fell asleep, I would wake up to a feeling of disorientation with my mind racing in my head with thoughts that makes little or no sense whatsoever. After a few days of being in a state of fear an discomfort I came to realize how my mind has been triggering most of the pains and discomfort and how removed I had been from my spiritual practices of keeping my mind in check from running wild in my head. 

My first act in order to face the feverish state I was in was to force myself back into my normal routine of waking up to the call of my cat before the sunrise and feeding her followed by stepping outside the apartment to do my morning walk and sitting meditation while taking in the morning calls of nature. Even though I felt weak physically and my mind was demanding to be put back into bed I persisted and kept to my practice and slowly I came to be able to bring my consciousness into focus at what I was going through especially the pains and the fears that was connected to them; it was all if not mostly in my mind! I started to take a closer look at where or what was actually the physical pain and discomfort that i was experiencing and through my breath control I was able to analyze and brought these into focus and their severity lessened tremendously. From the mega migraine headaches to the pains in the center of my chest I breathed into these spots one at a time and managed to disperse the sharpness or severity of the pains to almost non existent. Thoughts of COVID deaths and the stages that leads to such an eventuality as being exposed by the media and medical services started to recede into the background like hungry ghosts, illusions created to help foster fears and anxieties which in turn exacerbates the already negative condition. One realizes how true it is that mind loves to feed upon negative thoughts and emotions and in this life nothing can be worse than one's own mind when allowed  free reign.

The horrors of the pandemic is still present as I keep hearing of my family and friends being sent to their early graves, however I am not as scared anymore of this microscopic villain claiming my life at 72. As a matter of fact without any sense of arrogance I look forward to the experience of dying at this not so ripe an old age. If there are any regrets of leaving behind anything worthwhile it would be my two children and my cat, perhaps a friend or two. Life has been lived and there is not much left to live for as far as I am concerned and if there is any question or doubt as to what lies beyond, I am at a lost for any concrete answer as I have had ever been and I do not see any enlightenment in the near future if I am not already. The simple fact of the matter is that through my sense of wakefulness and realization that I found my sitting meditation had pulled the veil of ignorance from my virus infected state of mind and helped to bring the whole COVID experience within control; I do not feel a scared victim anymore than just a patient undergoing a viral infection.

If there be any lesson to learn here it is the fact that the mind is the worse part of the equation when it comes to being sick. The feverish feeling, the gigantic migraine, the chest pains and shortness of breath, the coughing and the general state of lethargic and stupor delirious mind body imbalances is all a part of how the mind handles the trauma of being sick. It is like death is breath away and not near enough. However when one realizes the simple truth of it and is able to simply sit and observe all the pains and discomfort, letting go of the desperation and anxieties and accepting the inevitable, it slowly all fall off one by one and in the end they all disappear like a miracle cure. If there is any lesson to be experienced from this COVID19 pandemic flu, it is the fact that it is just another flu, perhaps more intense than my previous ones and I have had many in my lifetime including being hospitalized for four months with Malaria, this flu like symptoms I accept as being hyped by the general populace due to its widespread and lethal consequences. 

There is no disease that is incurable according to the teachings in Islam and The Lord is the Healer of Healers. I place my faith in the healing powers of my divine nature or die from the lack of it. Being an Atman or a ParaBrahman in essence I will not surrender my soul to the ignorance of my lower ego-state of consciousness. If I were to die from this virus I will die willingly as a result of being a slave to the physical and mental realm of my existence, I do not deserve this form that I have been endowed with; this human form. All that I have been through, all that I have learned and gathered in order that I get to know who I truly am, all my spiritual quests my trials and tribulations are all for nothing for I still feel helpless when in the face of such a minor discomfort as this COVID19 virus. How pathetic to succumb to a virus while believing myself to be of the Unborn Buddha Nature; it's a cosmic joke to say the least. "I started a joke...'' as the song by the Bee Gees goes, "...but the joke was on me."  

"The mind can go either direction under stress - towards positive or towards negative; on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousess at the negative end and hyper consciousness at the positive end. The way the mind will lean under stress is influenced by training." - A Bene Gesserit axiom,- from Frank Herbert's -Dune.