Sunday, April 18, 2021

We are drifting like Ships rudderless in the dark.

 In my last post I quoted from two different sources of spiritual belief and practices. The first was from a Satsang talk that was given by the Teacher Sunyamurti who has a Sangha or retreat somewhere in Costa Rica  while the second was from A Sufi Master who was from Turkey by the name of Ahmed Hulusi whom I was introduced to in the early 90s by my late friend and Teacher Cikgu Yusof Ali. Both these contemporary teachers holds my great respect fot their knowledge and understanding of their relative spiritual teachings. Sunyamurti was more inclined towards Hinduism and Buddhism and perhaps one would even consider him a universal teacher as his knowledge and wisdom encompasses just about every world religious as well as spiritual practices. Hulusi is more of an Islamic scholar who makes a great effort towards upgrading Islamic Faith and teachings to be better understood in the context of modern age. I find both these teachers to be well versed and fluid in delivering their respective teachings and what is more important to me is the fact that both their ways points towards the same destination; both points towards the unity and universality of human faith and spirituality.

On the surface Islam and Hinduism seems worlds apart and impossible to ever be made into a marriage of unity, the merging of differences seems impossible. However after years of studying and practicing each religion to the best of my ability and this including other religions such as Buddhism and Christianity as well as Taoism, I have found the common factor that binds them all together as One. This is the having the belief and faith in a a higher 'Power' or a Greater Source that all religions as well as spiritualists looks up to for assurance and refuge in times of dire need or even as a source of hope for salvation of the human spirit.; call Him/Her by whatever Name you will. It would take the utmost of an incorrigible egotistical mind to deny the existence of a Higher Being that man is answerable to no matter how enlightened he might feel he has become in the course of his lifetime. Man is his capacity as a human being alone is incapable of making sense of all that he experiences or is exposed to in the course of his life, he needs a teacher, a master, a creator to help him to chart out his routes for him of he be lost. Hence it is apparent that almost all the religious and spiritual faith that man is endowed with through out his-story has been the effort to make sense out of the non-sense that he finds himself in.

More than ever today, man needs to come to grips with his role in relationship to the rest of the world if not the universe itself. We need to realize without a doubt of our being, of who we truly are in relative to the rest of our fellow man if not humanity itself and our responsibility towards the care for our our environment, our home and all the sentient beings in it. Today more than ever we find ourselves taking a dump onto the very plate we are eating from and not even thinking twice about our actions. We have become very sick in body mind and soul and most of us are not even aware of how far or near we towards extinguishing our very existence at te single push of a button. We are most of us oblivious to the fact that we are on a death row and our execution date is looming up on the horizon. We have become like zombies straggling along like a herd of cattle headed for the slaughter house led and herded by those who hold the keys to our freedom through exploitation of our mass ignorance, our disbelief in a higher(collective) consciousness as we become veiled through our conditioned state of greed, hate and ignorance.  

In Hinduism we are said to be in the final stages of the Kali Yuga or the age of destruction and similarly in Islam it is said that the planet and all within it is head for the end of time of Khiaamah or as in Bahasa Malasia it is called akhir zaman the end of and so is said in ost other religions such as Christianity and its End of Days and so forth. Much as I would like to debunk these religious perceptions I cannot help but begin to see the manifestations of signs that would usher in these Doomsday revelations and yes I do feel like we are running seriously out of time. The question is is there hope for humanity to ever change its destructive course and embark upon a more positive and humane path that we are created for by the Creator. What would it take for us to wake up from this dream state we are in that headed towards a nightmare that we might never wake up from? Stop saying to ourselves that we are only human or that it is fated or that it is  our destiny; I do not buy that not even from God. 


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