Tuesday, April 07, 2020

You are not afraid of Death?-

There has been an increase in spiritual as well religious postings in the Face Book of late, has people become more Divine conscious due to the threat of the COVID -19 pandemic? Perhaps the fear of death and dying has hit closer to home and it has made most weary of what might happen if one is infected and the question of preparedness to meet the Maker, or heaven or hell has loomed up in the minds of many. Death has become a pandemic issue to most, and those with any thoughts and ideas about the nature of death are beginning to come forward to share their take on this age old subject that has plagued mankind; all that lives must die is the norm. In no other religion is the subject more predominant than Islam where most of the religious leaders and teachers are up in arms with the threats of hell as the main theme for the masses that has been neglecting the call. Sometimes i feel this is all there is to it; fear. It is uncanny how these religious teachers can describe to the very detail of how bad hell fire is as though they have gone and died and experienced it themselves. For a Muslim it seems to die is the pits!

Heaven is for those who have observed and lived by the Five Pillars of Islam and of the faith in the Six revelations of which most good Muslims I know of adhered to throughout their lives and often I envy  them their faith and commitment to it. Off course there is no guarantee even if one does, that one would end up in heaven if one observes these precepts as one's human character is never perfect in words thoughts and deeds, being human. Then there are those that dare to venture out of the religious box to discover the truth for themselves, perhaps myself included; I find myself walking the thin ice, or the tight rope of faith. Am I right or am i wrong, and my soul is on the line for whatever the answer may be, and sometimes it is the most torturous moments when these questions arises and they do more often as I get older and death is around the corner if not the next. This COVID-19 lock down, stay home and observe social distancing has added a time factor to the scenario as it gives me time to further dwell on the subject in more thorough and detailed manner than I normally would with all the time i got, and this I am doing.

And it brings be back to square one, the question that i have been grappling with, the Koan, the Mondo; who am I, or who is this I that is afraid of death. It seems sometimes I am more afraid of death than God Himself, like death is my ticket to being with my God. What is also most disturbing in my mind is what comes after. I have grown up living among the people who has been preaching the wrath of God in the form of hell fire most of my childhood and now adult life and my mind has attached to this idea like it or not. Having spent almost my entire adult life in self=searching, self -discovering and quest for the truth, i find myself still bogged down with a deluded sense of doubt. This doubt arises to haunt me every time I read or hear the the preachers and teachers laying it thick over the religious doctrines and consequences of not being in the fold of the believers and the faithfuls. It is scary, the least to say, even for a stubborn 70 year young man who had take many a wrong turns in life that most people would cringe from had they been aware of it. Yes even for one who had once or twice pointed his middle finger up into space aimed at the Maker.

Am i afraid of death? off course i am and he who says otherwise is either a fool or a liar or he or she has discovered the ultimate truth for himself of his true nature. " I Am, That, I Am." I am the beginning and the end, Alpha and the Omega; I am the Complete and Perfect Enlightened Being, I am death and life all rolled into one, I am good and evil like the flip side of a coin, I am gone beyond, the concept of having been gone to the the other shore, 'I' Am, No More. These thoughts though they come to me as naturally as my fingertips could tap on the keyboard to write them down are still infected by the doubtful egotistical mind, the habitual conditioned mind, the mind that created the fear of death and the rest of the causes for suffering. This dual thinking mind that for ages the great ones have attempted to understand and overcome has been the downfall of many a great Saints and Prophets alike throughout human history. Those who have been able to crack the Golden Egg are today either worshiped as Gods or raised to the Greatest Heights of the Perfect Man, like the Prophet of Allah, or the Complete and Enlightened Being like the Buddha, or condemned to death like the Christ. 

"Man cannot stand a meaningless life..."  - Jung.

" I want someone to tell me. answer if you can, I want someone to tell me, what is the soul of a Man."
                                                     "Son of God" - Hans Zimmer
Who Am I?
#COVID-19, #Jung,#Son of God,#Death

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