Saturday, April 25, 2020

Taking a walk on the dark side...

Woke up from a dream where i was an actor about to perform my show before a very large audience, however i have not even memorized a single line of my act . It was a musical and I was telling myself, no problem, i can wing it but as always as the dream wore on i started loosing confidence and could not even find a decent pair of pants to wear or a transportation to get me to the show. I woke up feeling relieved that I was only dreaming as i was at a lost on how to fulfill my role. If Jung had still been alive i could have written to him for some answers, but as it is, it looks like I am just going to keep figuring it out on my own or I might get lucky and find someone interested in dream analysis and unravel my dreams for me. What is interesting for me is the similar theme of me not being able to complete or fully carry out my goals, often obstructed by my weaknesses and lack. It is also similar to the  recurring dreams i have been having of not being able to get home or reach my destination. It is not that bad when I consider that there was no danger involved and I would often end up with a whole new environment and people in my dreams. One thing I realize for sure thus far is that I have no full powers over my dreams, like I am trapped in uncertainties, unable to take charge or command of any given situation. Whatever is my psychic state while in my dreams, I do feel them in my waking state often, but i always allow for them to manifest themselves without too much attachment to their significance for better or worse. I figure my mind is always in the process of working out something, perhaps from the past or perhaps into the future. Like reading Jung's works I let them slide into their own state of existence, appearing and disappearing like clouds in the empty sky of my own consciousness. I have long ago realized that  getting attached to what arises randomly or otherwise in my consciousness is like falling into a state conscious limbo and accomplish nothing worthwhile. It is best to merely observe their coming and goings with detachment, not getting sucked into identifying with or rejecting of what they embody or manifest. I fully accept the fact that all of these arise from my own consciousness and I am the observer making choices of attachment or detachment to what comes and goes.

Human consciousness is a very deep, wide and unfathomable subject, at least i have come to realize thus far. It covers anything and everything that we experience within and without and then some. Waking consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg while the rest lay boiling and broiling or in some case dormant beneath the surface waiting for some stimulus or flint stone usually in the form of an emotional or psychological outburst to trigger a reaction and unleash a content in the form or anger, chaos, jubilation or even pure insanity. What lies beneath the surface is like the primordial gunk that has been accumulating for eons of our human evolution and existence. From the primitive cave dwelling man to what we are today the human psyche has evolved through its basic instinct for survival and leading to its lordship over its environment  and other sentient beings, to reaching a psychic level that has enable us to reach out for the stars. We no more sit at the cave mouth staring at the skies every night, we have come very close to touching the stars.

This is the journey of the Collective Consciousness of the human spirit (soul), we have left our mother's womb, and the the dark cold cave of our ancestors and now we are a part of a evolving entity reaching further outwards beyond the reach of any ordinary human consciousness in search for answers - to what? This is in itself a mystery of the ages, like what exactly are we looking for? Yes we are looking for more space, more resources more food more this or that for our creature comfort, but deep inside the question is still laying like a burning ball of fire; what it is exactly the we are looking for in this life, thus far? Is there and answer out there that will satisfy us in the end? Or will we as a species drive ourselves to the point of no return, of self annihilation, or perhaps discover a complete and perfect enlightenment of no return to this realm of existence like the Buddhas. The choice is ours to be made, collectively or as individuals, what would we choose to pursue? The freedom from bondage of attachment to the impermanence of or the liberation from this cycle of life, death and rebirth?

From the beginning of our human evolution man has instinctively looked up to the skies like there is a savior up there waiting for him to call upon and liberate him from this life of impermanence and suffering. There are those who however look within themselves instead and discover the the source of this liberation from within, as the"Temple of the Living God, is within." These venture on towards self discovery, looking for answers from within themselves through various forms of age old form and techniques that would help to quiet the wandering and fleeting mind to allow for a direct and clear perception of the inner truth that lies deep within the unconscious, where the primordial data lies like old files waiting to be excess- ed. Only those who are awakened to the truth and free from the conditioning of so called normal life, can penetrate into  this mystery. The door into the unconscious is unfathomable to the lay mind, or the mind that is trapped in blind faith and false hope, in ignorance and blindness.  

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