Saturday, March 02, 2019

If you do not believe-does it hurt God?

Does God exist and till this day the great minds of the intellectual and religious, the scientific and philosophical are hard at it ,each trying to out proof the other. The likes of the late Christopher Hitchen is most probably right now still adamant of his atheistic stand making his justification before whatever that he is experiencing and off course he is not convincing, not to anything nor to himself either. When you have spent just about half your life justifying something, you end up with not being convinced whether you are right or wrong. To be truly committed to your belief or faith or whatever standing you have, you need not justify once you start to justify it means you are not positive yourself of what it is that you stand for anymore.Atheist like Hitchen, Dawkins. and a host other scientific minded nonbelievers who appear on You Tube videos giving their spill about their take on religion often sounds knowledgeable and fluent about what they talk about. They can kill an opponent point for point and this is simply because of repetition. When you have been doing something often enough you are bound to become good at it and gets better all the time. Sometimes they quote themselves word for word from one talk to another like they have ran out of ideas and the audience if they had been following these individuals often enough would recoil at the tedium of it all; oh no! not this same old line of argument again! Off curse the latest usage of the same ideas has become perfected in their delivery that will send the audience applauding to the ceiling; it is all showmanship when all is said and debated.

God has no problem whether you believe in His existence or not, does He? Do you think it would bother the All Seeing Omnipotent, Lord of Creation if you decide that he does not exist when the rest of the billions have some faith in Him in one form or another. And what have you got to loose if you harbor some small sense of humility and acknowledge that there is by chance a Being greater than life that you can turn to when all else is not functioning accordingly. As a Muslim, I always as often as I can remember, to ask my Lord to protect me against my own ego, my own desires, my own ignorance and so forth. Perhaps He listens and comply, perhaps He is too busy elsewhere, but I know for sure that on my own I could not have survived these seventy years without taking my own life or worse; taking the life of another. As a Buddhist practitioner, I would like to abide by the laws of Karma, that I reap what i sow and keep evolving till I learn better and overcome all my karmic consequences and attain self liberation. I do not see anything right or wrong in how I choose my path towards my own salvation, whatever that entails, I believe in an Oft forgiving, Merciful Lord of Love and Compassion and not a wrathful deity out to punish one every chance He Gets. Nope if a man decides he does not believe in God, it does not hurt God in any way.     

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