Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Stepping into the Path.

Being in the here and now where the mind is at its rest, no motion no action, effortlessly i float along the stream of the Dharma, I live my life like a the leaf of the Elephant ears or the pokok keladi. Touched by water, is still not wet. I see only that i need to see, do what I need to do, and i blend comfortably into the worlds of others around me with the dignity of a Bodhisatva. I will continue to walk this path I have chosen to the end of my days with Loving Kindness towards all beings high or low , big or small, I will serve them to the best of ability. 
Beings are numberless; I vow to awaken with!
The Path of one man does not fit into another like a pair of old shoes but the blend together and emerge into a new whole being. I walk my path through the best of times and worse of times for the past sixty odd years and most of the time I was blinded by anger and haunted by low self esteem; I was angry at God. I decided to retaliate by leaving the scene whenever it got too toxic for my breath. Some call it an escape while others calls it a 'Retreat'. On looking back i realize that i have covered allot of mileage in my life.
I will never forget the day I flew over a live volcano spewing out muddy clouds of dust with my friend Dwight Blackburn a Cessna pilot. Yes I have traveled far in my life and tasted a bit of what life had to offer, Alhamdullilah, praise be to my Lord for this path for the farther i went the closer i came to being closer to Him. I saw Him through all walks of life and the beauty and ugliness of  Human Nature and the every so often I catch a glimpse of true Love, Unconditional Love in the hearts of man It makes my life worth living to witness the acts of kindness and understanding around me; I live in a Multi-Racial Society, my children children were born from three different mothers, two Americans and one Swiss. I have take a leap of faith when it comes to Religion and surrendered my faith in Him a very long time ago before it all began.
Regrets? I have many of those that i wish I had not done and those that I had, but on looking back at the Book of Changes, it is, all is    accorded to the Way. Everything changes and nothing remains the same. All phenomena is 'Time in Your Bottle', every episode, every piece of drama, every scenario every scene in your life you manifested through your desire for forms and you avoided emptiness as boring and abysmal, You seek pleasure of company and avoid being solitary. this is your way and it is definitely Okay. So you feel like you have to accomplish the impossible given this span of life. So you feel like it would be a waste of life if you had not lived it to the fullest, covering your mileage from all direction within and without. Perhaps you have a slight sense of awakening and decided that enough is enough and it is time to earn that mileage while the engine is still running and the clock is still ticking.
"Alam Ghaib" - Supernatural Landscape.

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