Friday, March 28, 2014

He is Here!

He is here! The kid took a flight from Zurich to Muskat in Oman and then to Kuala Lumpur and then a train ride all the way north to Penang where he took the Ferry across, my son is here to visit his family and relatives. He seems to be doing fine for a Swiss kid who has never been to this part of the world and has the makings of a traveler, a wanderer, perhaps will be doing things and visiting places much more than his father ever did. The first time we were together was in Dubai where I met him personally for the first time and that was blogged in my earlier entries of that period and what a time we had with the oldest, the Captain. Naz had arranged for the two of us to go on a ride into the desert around Dubai via the Arabian Nights tour and we had a blast.
Then the Captain arranged for me to visit Timo in Giswil, Switzerland in the winter of 2010 and there I got to meet his grandparents, aunts and uncles, and the rest. It was another epic time for me as a traveler who somewhere sometime in his mind had envisioned what it would be like to be in the Alpine mountains in winter. Read enough novels and your head will be filled with dreams of people and places and willed it strongly enough and you just might find yourself right where you had read about. I strongly believe in the power of suggestion or what is better known as 'auto-suggestion' in the studies made of the human mind. The spirit or whatever one associate that which is one's true nature to be has to be conscious of its power over the mind if not the brain cells themselves. The captain must know his power and authority over the rest of his crew and ship before he can be called a captain, he must come to know who he is first of all in relation to the rest, that he leads, the rest follows.
Most of us will ourselves into achievements and success but seldom do we brag about it to others and treat our way as just any other ways implemented by others in their own ways. However, in sharing, one is almost required to share the whole truth to makes sense of what one is sharing, that nothing happens out of chances alone, you make it happen, that is your birth right as the Yogis of old has pointed out. " You are the master of your thoughts and consciousness, your body speech and mind, your environment and circumstances, these are your basic birth rights being born human with brains".How would your brain cell know what to aim for if you do not coach each and every cell to act towards a certain aim of goal? Who tells the brain cells to set the stage for the body and mind to act under each and every circumstances, every episode and every drama in one's daily lives. You are the Master! The master does not lord over his subjects but direct them towards the right direction, the line of least resistance, the direct route towards success in accomplishing one's goals in life.
 So you 'Sit'. Sit the way the ancients have taught you in order to silence the dual thinking mind and 'yoke' all your energies or Chi into perfect balance and smooth flowing such that every move you make becomes a coordinated effort of the whole being of who you are. When doubts creep into your consciousness in the form of thoughts, dreams and hallucinations you loose your sense of bearing and control over that force which manifest out of you in times of dire need and times of creative impulses. You become dependent upon the externals and often at the mercy of what is out there than what is within. The external world of phenomena is a manifestation of the collective minds, it is the mental super-highway where the most powerful thoughts projected are manifested into what we see as reality and through our lack of understanding we have accepted this to be our reality, the truth we live by and feel comfortable and safe in it, we are part of the whole, everyone else and this too is okay. It is okay for so long as one is comfortable with feeling safe and secure living out life in the comfort zone.
For those who seek to unravel the mysteries of life itself, those who demand answers of the truth in what is reality and such, and those whose path chosen by divine or human effort is much less traveled, the comfort zone is the trap, the quagmire the black hole of life itself; this shackle has to be shattered and the spirit set free. How can you know who or what God is if you do not have the slightest idea of who or what you truly are? Reading the Bible or the Quran or the Gita or the Sutras is of no significance to you when all you are doing is accumulating knowledge, knowledge without the guidance of intelligence is empty like a body without a soul. You may be a mathematical genius but what good would it do if you do not know how to love or feel compassionate or make someone happy? What good is your wealth when all you have is an empty house full of things and stuff while your mind is collecting dust of old age and decay. You die at the end of it all leaving behind things and stuff to be fought over by inheritors while you with tubes sticking out of every orifices in your body lay on your deathbed wondering what is was all about before the final breath.
Even if the mysteries of the Universe itself is being revealed to you at the moment of death what good would it do humanity, after having lived in the blindness of ignorance most of you life how can you be awakened to enlightenment? .
“It isn't by getting out of the world that we become enlightened, but by getting into the world…by getting so tuned in that we can ride the waves of our existence and never get tossed because we become the waves.” 
― Ken KeseyKesey's Garage Sale 

“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicity. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. (quoted by Carol Lynn Pearson in Consider the Butterfly)” 
― Deepak ChopraSynchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles

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