Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We have it in us to become more than Human.

At the end of the day someone will ask you,"So Joe, what have done for yourself after all these years and the opportunities and circumstances that came your way?" How would you be singing your version of "I did it My Way!!" Would there be much regrets? or will say smile and look at your self and say, " Hey I did the best I could. but I guess my best was not good enough, for I was not getting anywhere, nothing ever changes and we keep on being strangers..." quoting a song by Marvin Hayes, was it? Such Is! We are here on loan from our Creator whoever or whatever He may be to each and everyone of us, to perform our part on this stage of life, playing our roles no matter how small or insignificant it may be, to the best of our abilities. We are part and parcel of humanity like it or not for if nothing else we breath the same air and drink the same water that our fellow man and the rest of our ancestors from the beginning of time had drank, recycled naturally or otherwise. Our minds and body are almost identical in its structure for every species has its own DNA codes to live by, none straying too far from its identity except mutants, X-Men!
Yet here we are struggling left and right trying to get ahead of the other guy regardless if kick and toss those that stand in our path like vicious steam rollers crushing all in its path just cause it can do so with impunity and so long as there is the guy at the steering wheel making us do so.We are all of us heroes when we drive and we transform into Michael Schummacher every time we get behind the wheels, little old ladies and even you average Joe becomes Rambo, the potential killing machine. Woe be unto those who overtake us and then cut us off without even a sense to give a signal! or the guy who tailgate us so that we succumb to fear and get out of his fast lane. But you too have your ego to take care of, not easily let some Joe- schmo, simply walk all over you, so the drama sparks off on the highway between two total strangers and sadly a few passengers like wives and kids, who late became statistics or collateral damages. Such Is our lives toady and it gets even hotter as the Heat-wave leaves us almost impossible to think rationally at times.Compounding this with our lack of awareness and consciousness of the fact that we are is such a state we become its victims, we become it food and fodder, its mechanical cog and screw, its grist for the mill; we feed our own nightmares as it feeds on us.
The ancients, meaning great men like the Buddhas and Saints and Prophets and Philosophers have been raking their minds for centuries over this our human condition but few has made everlasting impact upon it to cause it to sway from it present destructive course towards enlightenment or the Awakened state of Being. Not too many of us read anymore anyway and if we do it is mostly about who, what or how to get ahead in this life or bring about the downfall of those who already are ahead of us. An then there are those whose minds does not ever register what it is to contemplate or reflect, to sit or ponder upon his or her state as a human being least of all be bothered with taking any course of action to better the human condition through self discovery; our minds have slowly become lazy and on the road towards petrification ( to make (someone) very afraid
: to slowly change (something, such as wood) into stone or a substance like stone over a very long period of time) just as our bodies are growing old and approaching rigormortis.
 Rigor mortis is one of the recognizable signs of death, caused by chemical changes in the muscles after death, causing the limbs of the corpse to become stiff and difficult to move or manipulate.

 But why can't we transform ourselves into Diamonds instead! What is holding us back from becoming the immortals in our own rights instead of merely food for the hell fire. What is the meaning or our existence other than simply to endure all the pain and suffering throughout our lives and die without knowing why? The Tibetan Vajara, or Diamond thunderbolt cuts through all ignorance when it strikes the darkness that surrounds us, the Sword of Manjushri cuts two ways, it slices through the illusions of right and wrong, good and evil, thus is so with our minds, it is an instrument , a tool at our command and not the other way round, we instruct or direct our thoughts and thus minds to what is to be accomplished not the mind leading us wherever it choose to.as in the case of an egoic mind it becomes negative and often destructive when given full reign.
So what is this Vajra or Thunderbolt, or this sword of Manjushri in us? It is the awakening of our own intelligence.there is no better writng on this tha Jedu Krishnamurti's" The Awakening of Intelligence'" to use as a  guide if one is looking for answers.And as most wise men would suggest the answer is not out there but within you. Look within for deep within you is you tru nature that which is even before you were conceived, or deep within is the Temple of the Living God, or The Divine Spark, or the Divine Breath. Not in words and not in thought, not in any form of action will you find the answers but through the ability to silence all that Is and become one with that which is your true nature and this can be accomplished through awakening your intelligence, through stepping out into the Light of Wisdom, out of the darkness ignorance, So! Read! Iqra"! Study, know who you truly are and not take for granted of what is being told to you or conditioned for your bondage into this realm of Maya, or Delusions..  
Just as the Larva has to break through the cocoon that wraps around it in order to emerge into the light and become a butterfly, so should we strive to break through our own ignorance no matter of what form or condition it is made of. We have to break the shackles that our forefathers' have been made to wear and forge new aspirations to raise to greater heights our vision of who or what our humanity is, we are here for a purpose and it is not to serve the material deities but to discover the Divine Light within each and everyone of us through whatever form or faith, religions or philosophy we may choose to pursue it with; ur goal is Salvation! Freedom! Liberation!. Lesser than this we have merely existed, living like the cattle eating when hungry, sleeping when sleepy and then being led to the slaughter house at the end or our days.There is nothing wrong with that after all there is still plenty of of spaces and air to live by for all of us, the condition is not as critical as yet, plenty of time to ponder about silly matters like who am I and so forth. Let us wait for the next 'slapstick to come by smacking us in the behind to wake us up to some new form of reality or flatten us on our faces, like the Tsunami, or the Missing Plane or the sone who punched his mother for not getting RM20 from her, or the foetus thrown into the toilet bowl at the bus station, or the father who killed his adopted child through abuse. Yes we are all of these at the present moment and most of us are quite proud of ourselves for being human beings.

"Get up Stand Up, Stand up for your Right.
Get up Stand up, Don't give the Fightt!"
Now, you see the Light, Stand up for your Right."
Bob Marley.


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