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Far deep within the heart of hearts sits the Hall of the Devine Light, deeper within is the Devine Spark, the Source, the Zat, the Essence, that which is the Core of your energy, your wisdom, your humanity, it belongs to the One of all sources, the Lord of Creation; call Him by what name you may, but accept that It is only the One. This I realized this morning after having filled up my gas and adding air to one of my Kancil tyres which is threatening to give up on me. Driving here was in itself an adventure as always but i breathed in and out like i always do and stuck to my most familiar track just to get where i am going with no theatrics involved. My daughter is lying in bed no feeling very well, more like love sick if you ask me, refuses to go to the clinic,not that i blame her as getting there in itself can make you sick. It is what the doctor ordered for her if she notices it, lay back take it easy and be lazy, you have earned it, you need the rest after your last semester. Be at home, be with your dad and your brother, do as thou will.
We are all made up primarily of the four elements of Earth, Wind Water and Fire, any child can tell you that today, this is our physical form and the scientist will take you all the way to the sub -particle energy level to prove that we are all made of the same substance and is all held together by the laws of gravity, not knowing this fact will not qualify you to be among your fellow man who have taken the trouble to. The most basic understanding of our human origin is the first Law of humanity...Know Thyself! This is the fifth element that is the CEO of our individual enterprise; the human form.
With the Right Understanding of who you truly are will stop man from taking life for granted that have led to making the price of a man one bullet each. It does not really matter anymore under what flag or banner we hide, nor does it matter if we can obliterate a village by sending a drone alone, mankind is doom to ignorance unless we become enlightened and spread the light of wisdom throughout no matter how insignificant or minuscule it may be, a positive energy sent out via Devinne wisdom is like and atom sent randomly into outer space to collide with worlds; this is our Consciousness. We have this energy within us we are all a part of the Whole source of this energy; this energy is anti -gravity, anti -matter. It attracts all thoughts and forms to itself creating around it the human form of you and me.
Today no source of knowledge is more potent than the National Geographic and the Discovery Channels, from the villagers in the Ulu Terengganu areas to the Wall street savants, every man women and child learns through watching these channels, this, the source of our Collective Knowledge No politics, no hidden agendas, no desire to influence or dominate, subjugate or infiltrate, just pure knowledge a documentation of humanity and the relationship we have with the planet.
We have to make all effort towards not serving the symbols but to practice what they secret they try to impart to us. These symbols and Logos are just a part of the tool not the machine itself. Transcending symbols and ideas, forms and mind created belief systems with skillfulness and right understanding is the second Law of Humanity. " If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him!" Without attachment to any forms or symbols, any thoughts or philosophy, the mind is clear to become another conduit for the inseminating of knowledge, sharing ideas, sharing intuitions, sharing satori, sharing that space which becomes available when the mind is quiet and as my good friend David Lueck of the San Francisco Zen Center used to say, "Make available that small space within your heart for somelse to seek shelter in; this is Compassion."
The Lord said to Abraham, "Kill me a son!"
Abe said "No"
God said "What?!! Then when you see Me coming you better run!"
Some people say Abraham attempted to slit his first born son Ismael's throat, but some claim he did it to Jacob; I am not sure who Abraham decided to kill then, his son with a slave or his son with his Jewish wife who was barren most of life and had Jacob after Ismael was born; please correct my Biblical understanding in this story of the 'Sacrifice". Which version of the Three Holy scriptures of the Judeo Christian and Islamic Holy Books do we refer to in this matter? Bear in mind that the tribes of Ismael later become the Arabs and Muslims and that of Isac became the Judeo -Christian tribes. But for the twist of a story religion has become split up and what is worse they end up tearing at each other's throat all in the name of their One true God!
Some say that Jesus died being crucified but the others say No, the Lord save Jesus from being crucified on the cross. The rest are details which anyone interest should look up the Internet. The Koran Vs the Bible on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Don't take any one's words for it but do your own reading and come to you own personal conclusion on what you fell is the truth; there is no truth, there is only that which Is.
In Myanmar and in Southern Thailand on the Malaysian border, the Buddhists and the Muslims are raising the death tolls amongst themselves. Sadly enough the issues are never anything to do with the religions but religions become the issue; it is them against us! Either them or us! It is not a matter of greed anymore nor is it because of Hate, this is Pure Ignorance. This is the network of consciousness, our strong interconnectedness, our collective relationship, our interdependent upon one another for our needs as we live out our personal lifespans. How can we be happy at the expense of one soul left crying out in sorrow and pain in this Universe? How can one even begin to think in this manner if one's life is as valuable as a piece of bullet? How can those who wield the weapons be compassionate in nature when ignorant of the First Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Kill! When you walk, the Buddha said, cast your glances down before you, you might step on and ant crossing your path and cause yourself another lifetime as an ant; new Karmic consequence. The First law Manu, The first Law of Moses and the Ten Commandments...God's first utters to mankind through His physical form. (Sound). This was Yahweh or Jehovah that had laid down these laws and engraved into the stone, this was the voice of Allah as He inducted Moses into the Realm of the Prophets, an ultimate initiation of Man transforming him into the Devine consciousness. Moses came down from Mount Sainai transformed, physically, mentally and spiritually to the highest degree of any human transformation, he became the Alpha!
Moses as a man was no ordinary man, like the Buddha, he too was raised among the Royal family of the Pharoahs in Egypt, he was instrumental in running the country and a Master Builder and Architect of Ancient Egypt. Moses's bloodline was a descendant of Isaac and this line evolves to become what we have today; Jews and Muslims blowing up each other's homes and families disrupting all the faith that we have in the First Commandment of the Lord's; Thou Shalt Not Kill! Moses was transformed but humanity remained ignorant, the Buddha taught by allegories to tell us why we must not kill simply to emphasize the ramifications of Karmic consequences...do unto others and you can count of the pay back...the law of cause and effect. How do we step out of this being subject to these laws? How do we stop playing the game? How do we not get sucked into the reality of the game, how do we not become ignorant and blind in this life and expect to be lifted to be among the angels in heaven in our after life? Faith, is that which means simply acceptance, surrendering, not struggling against anymore but flowing along with the Whole, the All...The One. When we have been able to cease from being attached to identifying with the forms, the symbols, we are still dancing in this realm of Maya, filled with illusions, ignorance and sufferings.
Avadhuta Gita
Translated by Hari Prasad Shastri
E-Text Source: Advaita Vedanta Library
Chapter I
1. By the grace of God the Brahmins above all men are inspired with the disposition to non-duality (unity of the Self with God), which relieves them of the great fear.
2. How can I salute the Self, which is indestructible, which is all Bliss, which in Itself and by Itself pervades everything, and which is inseparable from Itself?
3. I alone am, ever free from all taint. The world exists like a mirage within me. To whom shall I bow?
4. Verily the one Self is all, free from differentiation and non-differentiation. Neither can it be said, "It is" nor "It is not." What a great mystery.
5. This is the whole substance of Vedanta; this is the essence of all knowledge, theoretical and intuitional. I am the Atman, by nature impersonal and all-pervasive.
6. That God who is the Self in all, impersonal and changeless, like unto space, by nature purity itself,verily, verily, that I am.
7. I am pure knowledge, imperishable, infinite. I know neither joy nor pain; whom can they touch?
8. The actions of the mind, good and evil, the actions of the body, good and evil, the actions of the voice, good and evil, exist not in me (Atman). I am the nectar which is knowledge absolute; beyond the range of the senses I am.
9. The mind is as space, embracing all. I am beyond mind. In Reality the mind has no independent existence.
10. How can it be said that the Self is manifest? How can it be said that the self is limited? I alone am existence; all this objective world am I. More subtle than space itself am I."
How can there be two? and When I am no more...
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