Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Let It Be...! Let It Be...!- Whispering Words of Wusdom...

Are you still breathing with me, my friend? Are we still together in this wilderness of life? Looking in, you are looking in at me , Looking out, I am looking at myself in you. We have traveled quite a distance having come thus far and it had not been a clean, clear path most of the way, but we have tried, done our damnedest to stay on the path, the 'Siratal Mustakin' The Middle Way, that which has been laid down by those who have departed ahead; I say Asalam u alaikum, Warahmatulllah Hi wabarakatu! Mat the Lord shower His blessings unto all of you ..Peace be with you...Gasho! I bow before that which is within you, your Buddha Nature, Namaste'..I pay tribute to that which is within you The Devine Consciousness.. The God Head. Shalom!...PEACE!
As I watch my tummy rise and fall I know I am breathing and it brings me back slowly to my Being in this moment in time and space letting my fingers do their job and enjoying sharing this with you...Wish you were hERE!! Now! And you are too while in the moment and time you read theses ramblings of a mind addicted to blogging his life away...claiming he is practicing this and that... making believe that he is Mahatma G. or Jedu Krishnamurti or both wrapped into one at times...welcome to my life...'Abandom All Hope, All Ye who Enter! and 'Know Thyself to be the Truth...Yada!...Yada! This is the man who calls himself "The Cheeseburger Buddha", Where angels would not dare to thread, the fools rush in....this is the life of for lack of better words...self discovery...the answers to 'Know Thyself', those letter written over the entrance at the Entrance into the Delphi where the Oracles were being read...Know Thyself can never be over emphasized in its importance to us as human beings, it is where we being our journey back to the Lord, like before we knock at his gates we might be better off if we know who we are rather let Him tell us who we are. The Buddha is laughing at this scenario in the back ground...SUch Is! Such Is!...God! Right this wrong that...Ha! It is all in your dual thinking mind my brother, you think you know who you are but at the end of the day how can you be convinced that God thinks like you or He even thinks at all? That's the Buddha opinion, He was liberated from this round of Life Birth and Death trip some 2500 years ago, one of those smart men... who did not take to accepting answers lightly...without Right Understanding...He was said to have said that Right and Wrong is a Sickness of Your Mind...it is for you to go figure it out if you so choose to do so Mr. Phelps! Let it be your KOan, YOUR mONDO! to carry about till you come to an insight as to its meanings and implications in your your perception of what your mind is  and where is your 'Dharma Position in your life?
This! Is, who I Am! I Am This! A guy taking a sip of his warm water while it has been raining outside for the past twenty four hours and it is nice in more than one ways, I like rain because for one thing it helps to slow down things, even tempers! I like rain because it keeps all things washed and clean, it slows down constructions, it slows down traffic, it slows down the need to cut into hills and mountain sides to build more roads and it helps to flood an area or two to remain us how fragile we really are. Rain is that way... it sooths your soul if you are in touch with it deeply enough like getting a cool shower over a warm heart. 

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