Three days I am back and my mind slid right back into the same old groove of being lethargic and lack of creative impulses to start any significant work. I have ideas of what I want to accomplish and the means to do it more or less but my mind is asleep or so it seems, like I am being doped. Physically it's migraine as usual which can be attributed to the scorching weather
for the past few days here.
Visited my friend Lee and his family last night tot return the camera and had a good time relating my trip and also talked a little about life and religion. I was very refreshing to be able to share your thoughts with peole whose intelligence and understanding has surpassed yours as they often make you assess what you think you know and correct you when there need a correction to be made. Lee mad me a generous gift of a copy of Lee Joo For's Art book of which he was the editor. I was very impressed with Ju For's works when seen collectively as in the book. His works throughout his career was very dynamic and so was his life. It is very refreshing to see how and artist has grown in his works along with his age and the book helps one to map his life as an artist for better understanding and for posterity. For local artists this is a good source in order to get a better idea of the who is who or the what of contemporary art in Malaysia is and be proud of the success of our fellow Malaysian artist. Ju For is respected by artists of all ethnic background here in Penang not only for his works but also for his low key and low pro
file manners that is always approachable not only to Chinese but all artists who met him.

Visited my friend Lee and his family last night tot return the camera and had a good time relating my trip and also talked a little about life and religion. I was very refreshing to be able to share your thoughts with peole whose intelligence and understanding has surpassed yours as they often make you assess what you think you know and correct you when there need a correction to be made. Lee mad me a generous gift of a copy of Lee Joo For's Art book of which he was the editor. I was very impressed with Ju For's works when seen collectively as in the book. His works throughout his career was very dynamic and so was his life. It is very refreshing to see how and artist has grown in his works along with his age and the book helps one to map his life as an artist for better understanding and for posterity. For local artists this is a good source in order to get a better idea of the who is who or the what of contemporary art in Malaysia is and be proud of the success of our fellow Malaysian artist. Ju For is respected by artists of all ethnic background here in Penang not only for his works but also for his low key and low pro

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