Friday, September 12, 2014

Do everything in a certain Way.

"Material and physical comforts are OK. They are inherently not bad. Fun is OK. Satisfaction is OK. Having friends is OK. Having a family life is OK.But it is true we as human beings are easily overwhelmed with pleasures and possessions. material things surround us everywhere we go. And they encourage our desires and they encourage our attachments. And they interfere with our understanding and our wisdom. They interfere with our relationships. And they interfere with our peace of mind. if we let it go too far..Now when we recognize the limitations of possessions and comforts then we start to seek balance in our lives. Few people a very small percentage of  people say, I am dropping out of all this cause it is too much, I'm going to live on a mountain, its too much I give it up.I have got to find a balance, so we seek balance in our lives when we recognize that.there is a limitation to pursuing possessions. We turn to spiritual practice to understand who we are fundamentally and what life should be beyond having possessions and what life is like beyond the appearance of things.
The material greatness is not the true measure of a society. The true measure of greatness of a society or of an individual is non material relationships, such as how we support each other, how we care for each other, how we encourage each other, how we create things together, and our openness with each other. This is the true measure of greatness, not how materially well we were or are. So our awareness, our practice of awareness our spiritual practice encourage us to reflect on our self and how we are in the world,and how we relate to people and to things. Are we careful of what we do and what we say? Do we take of that? Are we attentive? Are we accepting are we respectful of each other and what the world offers. Or are we interested only in what pleases us? And do we simply ignore and therefore do we become careless what we don't like?. Spiritual practice our awareness practice encourages us to reflect on those aspects of our lives. Despite all of our efforts to create a trouble free world unpleasant things arise and it is beyond our control most of the time because things just change. But if we react to these difficulties by complaining and pushing things away, we simply create problems. So the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to observe ourselves and the various ways that we have as human beings  of creating problems. Because we all have the capacity to create problems and we do from time to time. When we become aware of the difficulties we create, we learn from them and we learn how is that we create them and then through the education we learn how to avoid the traps.that we fall into. When we learn how we create problems and learn how to avoid the traps, we can reorient our minds so that we understand our self and our life."
The Role of Spiritual Practice in the Modern World. - lecture by Les Kaye - Tech Google Talks

I took the trouble to write this quote down word for word from a video on You Tube and most probably am breaking the rights laws for doing it, but if i am sued well , i am sued but why i do it outweighs the risk i am taking for sharing this talk given by a Zen Student who was also a corporate leader by his own right.I also like the simple manner in which he laid it all out and the message fits exactly with what i have in mind in continuing my thoughts about my previous entry, 'Are Malaysians Racist?  I started in admitting that Malaysians are racist it is imperative that i have to find an antidote to how we can remedy our ills and follies collectively, what do we need to work on for ourselves individually in order that we can affect a considerable change among our fellow Malaysians. It is no use in pointing finger and accusing others for the state of conditions, we have to look into ourselves, We have to come to a thorough understanding of how or why we think the way we do about any given matter, political, economics or religious or social; we have to seek out the best of all possibilities from within. And in order to do this it is inevitable that we have first got to come to a thorough understanding or who we are. To be able to think out of the box, you will have to first jump out of the box, free yourself from the box that you have constructed yourself over the years to house who you think you are, conditioned and conformed to the rest of the boxes around you.

"You do not become the best at what you are, doing certain things, you become the best at what you are by doing things in s certain way and that certain way is all the way through thinking into results, make it a way of your thinking, make it a part of your life"
Bob Proctor. - You Tube.

For us Malaysians to transcend  beyond being racist is not an option it is a preemptive measure that we need to cultivate at all levels of our society and especially at those levels where there is economic scarcity.and lack of education. It is imperative that we share our knowledge and wisdom as far and wide as we can and towards making the awareness available to as many as possible that we each and everyone of us no matter how high or lowly in our status is responsible for the well being of our nation..Claiming that we are not racist or prejudiced or bias is not enough for those of us with the mind to do so, we need to act on our convictions, we as individuals has to make things happen. Impressing those in the know how, not enough we have to target those whose minds are still in the quagmire of colonial days. Those who are easily swayed by fiery religious sermons and political bamboozle.

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