Saturday, November 16, 2013

In Loving Memory of My Wife - 2

It is said that every dog has its day! Chilling out on Stinson Beach California. Even if it was not an everlasting moments we had our great times. there was a joint hidden somewhere out of view as we always visited the 'Buddha Ron', my adopted brother on weekends to hang out at 'the Beach'.
It is said that a woman is most appealing sexually or otherwise when she is in her pregnancy, and she can also be the meanest 'Bitch' on the planet. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER!
I was never close to her family although I loved and respected her father but her mother and me well she reminds me of one of my sister in laws in Malaysia: judgmental, I was not good enough for her daughter. "Oh I did not know that you had a college degree!" This was when she visited my wife and our second child in San Francisco for three days on their way to Las Vegas. My wife was an adopted child and so was her elder brother Randy who i have never personally met in my life and would had loved to as he seems like someone who you would love to have for a brother in law, but... such is!
I used to call her my "lady in Red', that was her favorite color and every so often you can see her flying down Market Street near Octavia on her way to her classes at the UC Berkeley Extension in San Francisco or flying after the kids as they ran from our Dia Palace Verde Apartment located on the hilltop of Yasoen towards the Mukaiyama YoChien (Kindergaten School) in Sendai, Japan. 
I had many great teachers where women were concern in my life and here are two of them, my late wife and my adopted Mother, Estelle who was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada. Marissa Estelle Bahari carries her name as she specifically asked us to name our child after her and I had could not say no. This was another cause of friction between me and my mother in law whose name would have been Marissa's middle name otherwise. Oh how we love to create dramas in our lives!

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