Friday, June 21, 2013

The Dentist!

Got my teeth looked into and probed and scraped, drilled and filled by a beautiful young dentist who is about to have her baby in August. She happens to be the daughter of  my original dentist, but seeing that her father is off playing golf (not true), I had the pleasure of being tortured by the daughter. When was your last dental check up Mr. Bahari? Oh maybe it was in 2008? Cannot remember exactly sorry. This was off course followed by a load of nagging from the lovely doctor who treated me more like she would her father telling me to better care for my teeth even if or especially when I am at my age. Thank you doctor, I will take better care of my teeth as of now. Your next appointment is in six months, don't forget to come in please. When I see my friends who has few rotten teeth left in their mouth I feel fortunate for having mostly intact and the fact that i can still chew my food from the toughest chunk of meat to young green mangoes, I give my thanks to my Lord.
MInor aches and pains are starting to creep into my physical form, joints, muscles even pains in the bones like I am having arthritis here and there. These are part of my ageing process just being tired more often than before while doing my work, chest pains are a little worrying but i work on healing myself through being in tune with what and where the problem is; I meditate on my aches and pains by breathing new life into the area. Re-charge, Re -vitalize, Re-new, Re - rejuvenate, I would send in commands such as these to all my physical form, , the atoms and molecules, the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water and my organs the heart, the  pancreas, the liver and the rest. I command all these to heal through alignment with the whole. This achieved throughout the meditation by breathing in and out or Pranayama Yoga. I have been doing this for as long as i can remember and today I feel fortunate to have been enlightened into these practices.

" I am whole, perfect, strong and powerful, loving compassionate, harmonious and happy.
I can do what I, will to do; So help me God, (Insha'Allah)..'; My personal daily mantra."

If and when every cell in my body and my brain can be tuned in to conform with this 'auto-suggestion' I feel self healing can happen from within. The physical genetically make up of the human form needs to be informed, taught and persuaded about the reality of its own physical attributes; the fact every nerves and cells, bones and muscles have a role to perform to the best of its ability, nothing is randomly left to its own devices, all is a part of the whole. Being aware and conscious of my body has allowed me to become more sensitive towards the changes that occurs within me whether I am about to get sick in my tummy or I am about to have a heart attack.

I am the Master of my thoughts and consciousness, not the other way round.
I am the master of my Body, Speech and Mind,
I am the master of my circumstances and environment,
I am the master of my own personal destiny.
I am the captain of my vessel, Insha'Allah.

I adopted these lines, (with some additions) from a book I was given while travelling in Alaska, it was a book called, "Raja Yoga" or Yoga of the Mind. I repeat these lines almost daily upon waking up and before laying down to sleep, usually after having sat in meditation and contemplation for half an hour or so. If you ask me what is more valuable than learning about your physical body i would have to say,  learning all you can about how the mind works. And if you ask me what is more valuable than learning about how the mind works I would say learning about who you truly are, (in relation tot he Whole).. The rest of life or the act of living are simply details.

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