Saturday, December 10, 2011

What the fire did

What is Art? Can one create this out of the blue and call it art?  This picture  was taken from  wall of  an partment that was gutted by fire leaving behind some interesting shapes and forms that  cannot be produced through any controlled effort. This piece of 'Art' happened naturally.
What is aesthetically pleasing may not be necessarily the result of good or creative intentions or any predetermined reason or idea, a great deal of what happens spontaneously around us can spark off great works of art. 
In its own decadent way these pictures have a form of attraction  as it  is the product of a single element which is fire. The action of the fire burnt through every object with equal intensity like an artist applying a layer of paint over the who painting he has created giving it a a sense of unity. Each picture also tells stories of what its was like before the fire.
Objects sits as they were in their original location but their form has been altered due to the heat from the fire. The blackened walls acts as a strong backdrop for the objects to stand out.
As we sieve through the debris our minds were  captivated by the small surprises we find  among all the charred objects and it seems like we were looking for treasure.

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