Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Simplicity is not just about making life sipmle but also simplifying all there is to know and care about in life as I face all the odds that life has to offer and taking it as they say, easy. Life's complexity is all a manufacture of the mind that from day one of my existence has practically ran the show for my every experience. Sometimes life seems too complex and complicated too uddled and perplexing to handle and it seems like there is no way out and no end to this and I turned to NETFLIX and enjoy a series, However by stepping back and removing myself from the attachment to what was being presented before me I manage to slow down the loco-motion and make sense out of all the non sense that seems to occupy my(monkey) mind. Just as the mathematician brings it all down to the simplest formula a very complex mathematical theoretical equation, I try to sieve through my thoughts one at a time anddetach form their influences. What would be left would simply be the most recent if not demanding thought that needed to be addressed. This is best achieved through sitting meditation especially upon waking up early in the morning.  

I cannot emphasize enough on how important it is to sit and contemplate, ponder and reflect upon hoe one's mind functions even to the point of an obsession. Knowing the workings of the mind and understanding its pros and cons, like how it affects your daily moods is crucial towards self understanding; it is the antidote to depression and insanity. The mind is a good servant but a bad master, I have kept reminding myself, it can be put to use for you or it can abuse you worse than drugs; it's a necessary evil. Knowledge about the workings of the mind is not enough, the mind needs to be understood on the deepest level of understanding and in the end be cut off or discard totally from human consciousness. This is a tall order but it is not impossible to attain as ptoven by the great spiritual masters of the past. Whether in the Yogic tradition or the Zen, in the Sufi or the agnostic traditions of the great theistic religions of the world, the mind is considered a hinderence towards enlightenment; it is merely a tool to be honed and use and kept away when not in need.

Yes, ndeed like a broken rcord I will keep on repeating this 'Mantra' to myself that I am not the mind, nor am I the body. These are my tools of expression, my vehicle for transportation,while I am in this form of existence.Hence every now and then when I find myself in absolute silence devoid of any thought formations, I am able to askmyself ,Who Am I? Who is asking? In moments like these I can almost feel the voice of my Lord whispering within me; Patience, be patient, become a patient there is a whole lot of healing to be done yet, a whole lot of Karmic purification to be made. Patience! Ya Sabur, The Patient, is one of the Beautiful names of my Lord if not the final among His ninety nine attributes. Patience is an immovable virtue that protects and heals against all mental delusions, patience nullifies anger and various other strong emotional attacks to your heart, your soul. Sitting meditation is a practice of Patience.    

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