Saturday, October 31, 2020

A note of Repentance to my Lord.

Astarghfirullah  Al Gafururu Rahim, forgive me O Lord of Forgineveness and Mercy for all my transgressions of the past, present and future. From the most heinous to the slightest, from those that I nkow of and that which I knew not, Forgive me my sins towards my parents and those who came before them, my sins towards my family and friends, forgive me for my not eing able to fulfill all my obligations towards You and my negligence of duty towards my fellow man. Forgive me Lord for my weaknesses and my ignorance, my slothfulness and my decadence of behavior. I ask of Your Grace and Mercy for You are oft forgiving and Most Merciful and not a thing moves within and without except by Your Will and Yours alone. I surrender my Soul, mind and body unto You in life and in death. Amen.

Alhamdullilah hirabbil Alamin, I thank you Lord for all the Grace and Mercy that You have granted me throughout my life and those You have shown towards my Parents and theirs and may You place them among those who are free from Your retribution for whatever their transgressions had been. I thank You Lord for the Grace that You have showered upon me and my fellow man in one form or another to ease their their burden in life as od mine. For You are the Lord of the Universe, The Lord of Creation, from You I came and unto You I shall return. May all beings be awakened by this realization that they may return to the source of their origin. You are the Originator of this Supreme Consciousness that pervades all Beings and Non Beings alike and not an atom moves without Your approval and not a leaf drops in the forest wihtout Your awareness. You are the Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omni-Lord of Creation. I prosterate my Being bfore Your throne. I bear witness that there is none but only You worthy of Worship, Love and Devotion.

I place none above or below me save You my Lord and I pray that all my actions beit good or otherwise sanctioned by your Grace in this life and submit my will to be as Yours no matter the circumstances. For all my life has always been surrendered to You in its entirety with no reservations. I worship Thee with every breath I take knowingly or otherwise and let this be my testimony of my repentance for all the wrong that I have committed and may You forgive me in the Now and the hereafter. I am eternally grateful for all that I have tasted in this life, the sweet and the bitterness that it has to offer and I remain Your humble servant for eternity. 

AllahuAkhbar! Indeed You are Great and there in none, only You worthy of my worship. Lead me O'Lord from the unreal to the real, from darkness to ligt and from death to immortality...Ameen. 


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