Monday, December 17, 2018

Tying up loose ends - Is the universe what they say it is?

As scientists gropes around for the answers to the creation of the universe and its inherent nature many are coming to grips with the fact that the universe has a Creator. Although most are still hiding in the corners from making any form of commitment as to the final say whether yea or nay, there are those who are seeing the light as to the possibility that there is some form laws and principles that governs the basic mathematical order of the universal structure from the molecular levels to the cosmic grid and this laws are governed by an intelligence that in the spiritual sense man would call God, Brahman or Allah all meaning the same entity or Being. The Universe is in and of itself is a living entity that breathes and has its own consciousness that is connected to the whole of its being governed by the basic laws of attraction and interdependence as metaphorically described as Indra's Net of pearls in Buddhism.

Indra's net (also called Indra's jewels or Indra's pearlsSanskrit Indrajāla) is a metaphor used to illustrate the concepts of Śūnyatā (emptiness),[1] pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination),[2] and interpenetration[3] in Buddhist philosophy..

Perhaps when God said "Let there be Light!" The Big Bang happens spontaneously, manifesting a universe of splintered whole, like shattered glass being hit by a thunder bolt. Bits and pieces are thrown far and wide in all directions, large and small in all kinds of shapes and forms, solids and gasses and just pure energy. The concussion perhaps was so immense that it generated a high amount of energy strong enough to convert matter into vapor and vice versa and restructured elements from one into another causing fusion and manifest new elements that fills the whole space continuum as the universe expands outwards for eternity. Like planet, suns and stars, like the galaxies and the dark matter of space itself, we are a part of this ongoing process. We has evolved from the very atoms that was once floating about into who or what we are today as a result of this whole process of Creation - the Big Bang - the Divine Will. As Deepak Chopra said, we are made out of cosmic dust that originated from  the explosion of a super nova or something like that, can't remember his exact words and they made more sense than mine no doubt.

I am no scientist nor am I a highly religious person but I like to know, I like to understand, I like to discover for my own how and what makes it all tick like a clockwork. Having accepted the fact that there is a Creator, a Mastermind, a Planner and call it by whatever name you will  , the next question I, like most others have to ask is what is my purpose and relationship to this 'Creator'? How did I evolve to be able to come to this level of consciousness whereby I am able to ask this primal question, who am I or what am I? Perhaps science will find an unequivocal answer as to what it is all about in some distant future, but till then I will have to keep on asking if not science or religion, philosophy or logic, to come up with an acceptable equation. I realize that to most it seems like a waste of time to even think of there issues, but I feel like I am coming to at the end of the road and it is a loose end I need to tie up with before I exit this life.

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