The whole idea is to reach out and say thank you!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!
Listen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I thank you with every breath i take and every move i make!
Do you hear what I am saying? I said thank you! Yes Sir! Thank You.
What for ?!
I am very grateful, yes indeed very grateful to be in this thankful state of mind.
It is so enlightening a feeling of lightness of Being...
I am grateful to have survived life with all its ups and downs to be able to feel this way:
breath for breath I am thankful to be alive.
Because i owe it to my four Children, I owe it to my late wife and my way of saying thank you to her.
Why? Because this life good or otherwise has taken me on a long and eventful journey towards my relationship with my fellow beings.
Because i had hated my life for many years while growing up untill I met and married my first wife;she pulled me out of my miseries, I left for the United States and lived there for 21 years of my adult life; I was twenty five when I made that decision...Berhijrah lah sayang...demi masa mu!
Why simply because I feel only now that I am closer to knowing who I am in the scheme of life.
So i say Thank You to the Lord of Love and Compassion for His Grace.
I am a student of the Buddha, i say Thank You for the Wisdom and Enlightenment You have bestowed upon me.
Alhamdullilah! Hirabil Alamin!!
Thank You; You ,Lord of the Universe.