Thursday, October 13, 2011

The fall of Gaddafi

Three Lions of Islam fell to the hands of the western infidels! With the demise of Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and most recently Moammar Gaddafi Islam has lost three of its front teeth as these three most powerful men in the Islamic world were the vengaurd who stood against the the onslaught of the West and those within their faith out to shatter and dehumanize the religion of the Prophet.
They were most probably, truth be told, also the most unscrupulous and tyranic manipulators in the history of Islam perhaps much lesser so in the case of Ben Laden who was more genuine of a religious Jihaddist than the former Presidents. What or who can carry the mantle of championing the Islamic world today is up for grabs as the pickings is very slim indeed. As we scan the horizon of the Muslim world from the mediteranian shores to the vastly muslim populated nation of Indonesia we see only weaklings who rule much like puppets whose strings are being clandestinely handled by the hands of the western interests and their own self aggrandizement and lack of faith. Islam has no more Lions whose roar is to be heard loud enough for the non muslim world to pay much attention to much less have respect for. We the Muslims have squandered the Prophet's legacy and sold our religion for the price of decadence.

As ordinary men, these three figures perhaps does not deserve an eulogy, at least by western perceptions and standards and perhaps by the Islamic codes too they had betrayed the trust of their people, those they were responsible for, (again lesser so for Ben Laden). However they still stood for leaders of the Islamic realm and as such deserves to be treated as such at their moments of death and not treated like mongrell dogs to be displayed and humilated likewise for the world to spit on! And for those who believe otherwise I say look at your own fingers, your own motives, your own self serving interests! Are they pure ? Clean and undefiled and who are you in comparisson to these great leaders? You who sits on your fingers wallowing in selfcentered sorry state while the fate of the religion is at the mercy of others?

Despite their shortcomings as men these leaders have done some good if one cares to look for the good they had done while in power,if we care to look for what is good but if we are bent on only look for the ugly side of their human nature than we too are responsible for bringing down the Religon of Muhammad, the Rasul of Allah! We, especially those who were elected into the positions of caretakers of our Rulers are equally at fault. We do not need to look far, just look at the state if Islam in Malaysia. We collectively will have to answer before Allah comes the Day of Judgement for our negligence in forsaking the teachings of Islam. The Prophet during his warring days had codes written on manners in which the fallen warriors friends or foes alike were to be treated and that is with dignity and respect and not crucified along roadside or have their heads impailed for the general public to view as was the way of Barbarians during Teutonic wars. ironically the Mongol hordes disposed off enimy leaders by placing their bodies in sacks and trample them with their horses so their blood would not spill all over, as a token of respect. And we claim ourselves as civilized! Equipped with our modern day tools we display gruesome pictures as though the world should feel gratified with such display of the fall of a world leader.
Perhaps Gaddafi being the dictator that he was as claimed by most deserves to be displayed like a slaughtered animal on every front page of the International Media and his former life being rediculed in every which way possible, however he was at one time a major instrument in the liberation of Lybia from colonialism and for this small feat the muslims who brought him down should honor his death with a measure of respect. As was Saddam Hussein, when in power he had kept the country relatively at peace but today with his removal Iraq has been in chaos eversince. The Islamic Nations as a whole is to held accountable for what has taken place today for all these years we have done very little in righting all the wrongs of these Leaders. All the Muslim rulers, Kings and Presidents could have made an extra effort to impress upon these so called dictators to mend their ways and not depended on the western countries to become the policemen who ended them. Had we done so the likes of Ossama Ben laden would not have the cause to take on the reign of terror. He would have been a champion of Islam in a more positive way.
This is just my passing thoughts as it does worries me the route we are headed not only as Muslims but as a citizen of this planet we call home. I believe in the freedom to believe and practice whatever faith of one's own choosing and no one religion or faith is better or worse than the other, it is relative and most importantly it is personally, a sacred act only answerable to his or her Maker. Most religions if not all preaches Goodness and Peace among man whether we belive ourselves to be the children of Adam or otherwise. Without religions and faith, without a sense of awe of life itself, we are worse than animals and our existence could have ended centuries ago when the barbarians ruled. Oh...when will we ever learn...


Anonymous said...

wow mamu! Thats what i was when thinking pictures of Gadaffi was posted on the papers,at least some of it to be honest though, didn't think it was "proper" to post dead a person's face all over the papers.

After the Gaddaffi's fall im guessin' the west would probably spead their influence sooner or later.

Shamsul said...

The west has already laid a good grip on the east and islam and they are trying a choke hold on Islam. It is not the western influnces that I worry about but the way we in the east are losing our own ways that worries me.