Saturday, January 29, 2011


My son has insisted that I should sit and watch the whole series of this made for TV series of a space psi-fi which I did not think much of when I first watched it when it first appeared on TV while i was livng in the US. It was a choice between Star Trek , The Next Generation and this space odessy and I opted for Star Trek being a Trekky back those years.
Having sometime on my hand I told myself why not, if my son the genius thinks the series is worth all the hours there must be something to it and so last night i watched the final part of the series after (over three weeks), where it all came to a conclusion with the return to 'Earth' of what was the remainder of the colonies that had been dritfting through space in their various space ships, 'looking for a home'. With Cylons (machines created by man-robots as well evolved new species) ever on the persuit with the intention of annihilating the human race or what was the remains of it (40,000 or so ),the story unfolded with the most mundane of human dramas to the basic question of the existance of God.
Under the command of the Admiral Adama (Edward James Olmos) commander of the Galactica, the fleet ventured into the unknown recesses of outer space both escaping the Cylons attacks as well as looking for a final resting place for the last groupd of survivors of the human race. It was like a civilization on the run with its own administerative goverment and the common people living their lives within the confinements of their vassels each supporting the other for the survival of the whole. It was like watching the Planet's population in its miniscule trying to survive as food and fuel runs out and not to mention the lives that were sacrificed in the battles against their everpresent enimies the Cylons.
To add to the dilemma of the human survivors, the Cylons had evolved to the extent that they became human replicas and infilterated the human colony which created an envoironment of suspicion among the humans and the hatred for the Cylons fueled an uncompromising vendetta which almost tore the Humans apart preying upon eachother...Needless to say after watching the series for a while one gets to come to see the frailties that we humans harbor within us and the strength we can master up from within us in the times or dire need. The story cast a glimpse for me of how humanity can come to a common faith when all else failed and how individuality can become a virtue or a vice in the face of adversities. The final triumph of humanity in this case was not over the enimy so much over their own beliefs and fears...over themselves, their simple Greed, Hate and Ignorance.
If there was any triumph in the final say it would the triumph of the "Spirit", both for the Cylons and their creators the Humans.

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