This is it living it up thanks to the number one Son 'The Pilot' who has done it again making all the arrangements for all tghree of us Karim, Marissa and myself to be here on our way to Dubai travelling 'Business Class' no less!! What can I say, I sat in the massage chair for almost an hour getting my body worked on while sippuinf alittle white wine and munching mixed nuts, while the kids surf the freee nett and eat all the varietires of cakes at the buffet spread.
I must abmit that i was having a lot pf trepidatiions going on this trip esppecially with my fianancial status . However after begging and borrowing,(I havwe not resorted to stealing yet) I habe manged to put together the amount needed to get us all to KLIA from Penang. Again alot of thanks to my cousin Zakaria in Shah Alam who has provided a
stop over for us and the transportation to the airport although he was not there to do it himself. he son Zaid was more than obliged to make sure that I had all the help I needed.
Now we ahve about two hours to wait and being at the emerates lounge i don mind the waiting even if it takes all night! How often does one gets a chgance to travel business class on the Emerates Airlines? A few days ago I did not have enought to buy my lunch while doing my work at the museum USM and two days ago I stirred and stireed pots of curries for my cousin tio earn one hundre RM and here I am now this is what life is all about to dream the impossible dream and wish for the stars no matter where you are if you believe in it life will rise up to celebrate small victories along your path of trials and tribulations and enjoy it while it lasts for this no one can take it away from you once it has happened it has happened.
I must abmit that i was having a lot pf trepidatiions going on this trip esppecially with my fianancial status . However after begging and borrowing,(I havwe not resorted to stealing yet) I habe manged to put together the amount needed to get us all to KLIA from Penang. Again alot of thanks to my cousin Zakaria in Shah Alam who has provided a
Now we ahve about two hours to wait and being at the emerates lounge i don mind the waiting even if it takes all night! How often does one gets a chgance to travel business class on the Emerates Airlines? A few days ago I did not have enought to buy my lunch while doing my work at the museum USM and two days ago I stirred and stireed pots of curries for my cousin tio earn one hundre RM and here I am now this is what life is all about to dream the impossible dream and wish for the stars no matter where you are if you believe in it life will rise up to celebrate small victories along your path of trials and tribulations and enjoy it while it lasts for this no one can take it away from you once it has happened it has happened.
1 comment:
Enjoy your trip.
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