Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fun with charcoal

Sketching with charcoal with pencil, cahrcoal stick or powder is always messy but fun especailly when you have catured the outline and start to shade or highlight the drawing. I like to use my finger and smear the cahrcoal into the paper. I am always expecting a surprise when i do this like a gentle accident that would make the drawing come to life.
Charcoal drawings brings about the primordial feeling of what drawing is all about, it evokes the sense of antiquity and purity almost sacred like the Hindus smearing the powder across the forehead from a funeral pyre or an altar.

I like to do my charcoal on Newsprint paper because of the color as well as the texture of the paper. I know i have sketched thousands of sketches with this method and most are either given away , taken away or simply lost in transition.

"Overweight? Make it work for you! Join the Sumo Club."

"I should have stuck to being a Health and Safety officer...more money and leass bullshit except my owm." My last salary as a Safety Officer at the petronas site in Kerteh was RM5000.oo a month! Not bad and all i had to do most of the time was play along with all the crap happening around me!

I have picked up no less than four dead bodies off the highways in Malaysia since i came back here and, "They say there's more death due to trafficaccident than cancer or aids, ture or not? We dont need war..."

As humans today we are ever so engrossed into how to get ahead in life albeit in business or any other form of venture...

Blogging has become my addiction in the past few years and it has kept me glued to this sit away from getting into any other kinds of mischief. I'd love to leave and hit the roads again if I ever get the chance to. Blogging is what it is for now , one way i can save whtever is left of my journals before they are forever gone or me for that matter.


" So, you really think this Cheeseburger Buddha character is a good idea?"
"Well if Lat and the Kampung Boy can do it, why not?"

I have tried with a few friends and interested parties to launch my works in the form of books and so on, but it alwyas comes back to me doing it all by myself. If i want to see my works published i got sit here and do this.

The Climate Change issue has always been of interest to me since the Kyoto Summit 3 1997? I was there and did my part too. But till this day as the planet gets more and more out of wack with itself man is still bickering over who is at fault.

Starvation, malnutrition, abject poverty is ever on the rise in most third world nations and yet we are still lost in our own petty grievances to acknowledge and address this.

We have to deal with obessity instead and waste half the food we produce to over eating and lack of discipline.

We will talk ourselves to death or even accuse eachother and if our thoughts and ideas gets too radical we might be interned into the Internal Security Act facility to be rehabilittated. S what do we do when all else fails? We sketch!!!

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