Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Krishnamurti Quotes...

" Intuition is the whisper of the soul; Intuition is the guiding word in our life. The more we harmonize our strong feelings and keen mind by perfecting and purifying them, the more likely are we to hear that Voice, the Intuition which is common to all, the Intuition which is of humanity and not of one particular individual."
"You must have strong feelings, whether of love, of intense happiness, of real kindness. A person who has no feelings at all is useless; whereas if he has strong feelings, even if they be of the wrong kind, he can always train them to become refined and perfect. It is the person who is hard and indifferent that cannot create, destroy, or construct. "

"Do not be negative, but go out and be adventurous."

Just as the lotus, born of mud, is not tainted thereby, So the lotus of the Buddha preserves the realization of voidness.

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