Monday, April 28, 2008

Knowledge and Wisdom

Having spent a decade or two of your life scampering for knowledge for the sake of your status and comfortable niche in your society you should be ready to take on just about anything that life has to throw at you. You have earned the rites of passage to becoming a well rounded educated perhaps intellectually well equipped to be a productive member of society. Everything they taught you in schools, in colleges and at the Universities you have understood and implanted into your memory bank, knowledge is at the tip of your thinking mind. Depending on your strength or choice of subjects that you favor you make the choice to persue this and become a master in the field albeit History, Science, Econimics or Politics etc. You are then set for your career, to put all that you have accumulated accademically and through whatever experiences that came with it you are set to embark upon your adult life armed with knowledge and limited experience to get you by.
You are confronted by the questions that arises every corner and every turn you make, every attempt and every decision you have to make and every person and every environment you are confronted with. You accounter them and you move on as there is little else there is that you can do in this life but to just move on no matter what right or wrong decission that you have made. We all have a goal in life know it or not we all have to live so long as we breath this air that we take in and out,like it or not and then some of us make great decissions to accomplish greater goals and some just don even realize their goals even if they had any other than just to stay alive and take care of those in their charge. Which is you? What is your role? What is your Goal? What is your scam or your scheme in this so called life that we all live.

These are the questions that man has been wrestling with since the day someone asked him a silly thing like who the Hell Are You? Who am I? What am I? Where am I, how far or how near am I? This to most of us humans with our God given Human Minds (Humind), is our next phase of knowledge, a journey of looking into who we really are, not just as a Malay or a Chinese or an Indian or a Malaysian, not Just as Piyadasa or Will Chamberlain or Geroge Bush or or Mahatma Gandhi. Who are you in the scheme of things in this whole complex nature of this so called planetary system, this Creation, who are you or what are you? *If I ask you to point out to me where you are really are located at where would you point? Your chest, your heart? Is the finger pointing is it not you? The point of this whole "Rambling of the Cheeseburger Buddha" is to answer this question of who am I? Why am I here in the first place like a watcher of an epic saga of a deteriorating planet coming to pieces at its seams from its microcosmic atomical structures to its cosmic univesal nature and what can I do about it?

They are running the Olympic torch to China and it has been a rough run for most of the part and what can the only man who can put on hold in all these do? The Dalai Lama should take a lesson or two from the late Mahatma Gandhi, perhaps fast himself to death if all these crap dont come to an end. What do the Chinese want with a country like Tibet, is there oil? MInerals worth exploring into or is it purely a matter of mass egotistical adventure of domination of one Nation over another as a show of Power? China can have Tibet in more productive way than she can ever imagine if the Dalai Lama were allowed to return and run the country, put it back on its former glory as a Buddhist Vajrayana center for the whole world. What has Chine to offer otherwise that can outclass the Tibetan Buddhist Attraction in terms of Religious or tourist attraction? Why are we humans so wrapped up into self agrandizement and domination over others the moment we are endowed with a sense of power. Perhaps one of the answers is the fact that only us humans are involved in Arms Sales for the annihilation of our fellow man. The latest the most sophisticated the most precisive of weapons are being produced every mintue of every day every where on this planet because Arms is the most lucrative business next only to drugs in this life and times of our evolution as homosapiens. We are the mocrobes the will eventually eat eachother out of existance if the planet still holds together. Do You Care??
Who are You? In this scheme of things?

Millions of lives will be lost in the near future when food shortages hits the streets and the climatically caused disasters carry on to spin out of control due to our insatiable demands for more and better and faster mode of heading towards our self destruction. Nations will eventually turn upon one another for reasons even the Gods would cry with laughters because it has become too rediculous to do anything else about wars that are fought in their names or wars that are fought because of beliefs and faiths or an 'Ism'. Man the wisest of all God's creatures cannot forgive and forget his own brothers and sisters for thie lack of understanding or their weaknesses and yet ckaims himself to be the Caliphs on this planet, God's warden to care for His creation, the Bodhisatvas of compassion and Infinite Wisdom serving to eliviate human sorrows and suffrings in this Dhama Ending Age, this End of Days this Kali Yuga where the dark clouds od chaos and Anarchy is looming upon the horizon for us all.

If one look up at the sky on a stary night one would come to realize someday that if God were to award a bright shiny star for each and every one of us, there would be more than enough stars to go around, Thy Lord has created things in abundance. But we are too ignorant to see, to imagine to envision this simple 'Law of Abundance', that just about every Religion or ancient thoughts and Philosophies has handed us down. We are sucked into our self serving, our petty vested intrests and our tribalistice, my race is the greatest race on earth, my bloodline is the purest, my ancestors could walk on water, my religion is the only religion that will deliver, I want what is yours but leave my shit alone, kind of attitude; we are nailed to the floor by our ignorance! This is the final end our knowledge based human development and our children and their childre's children will inherit this at its worse as the negative energies it generates over time will become so fermanted that it will cause an internal combustion or explode!

Ignorance is the third or our human illnesses after Greed and Hate or in any given order for that matter. Knowledge alone without the spiritual development of the heart and soul of man is not going to see us through the next millennia or perhaps even the next century. A man who can only think with his head is like an outstanding robot activated by a computer, he has no feeling for Right Compassion or Right Understanding, Truth and Love. He can only understand the meaning of the word but the word is not the thing itself and the thing itself eludes a man without a God given heart and soul. A man whose heart and souls is set upon seeking the answers to the questions Asked earlier, Who am I? What am I?... will arrive at the Right Understanding of his role as a man, a Great Being created from the Essence of the Lord of Creation, whose duty it is to serve his fellow creatures such that they thrive in Peace on this Earth.
Wisdom is the property of the Heart.

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