Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Long Distance Healing

Today I decided to continue painting on my large canvasses for the exhibition and yesterday I completed one with ease and liked the outcome. I decided to paint of lanscapes from around the campus in black and white as the show is primarily in black and white. But it is raining and so I decided that i'd opt for an indoor activity instead and seeing that i am close by to the CC, here I am.
For the past few days i have been driving north with my cousin brother and family to see a faith healer cum religious teacher. He claims he can cure my wife of her ailment of which the doctors here in Malaysia and those in Illinois in the USA have claimed that my wife is beyond any cure. Her Alzheimers or dementia is rapid and she has come to the point where there is no hope for her medically and two medical specialists written to me from two medical facilities in the US where she has been admitted.I have accepted these dicissions medically speaking as i do not doubt they the doctors being experts knows what they are talking about.
However, here I am not totally convinced that my wife who is still relatively young for here to have Alzheirmer's which in most cases are attributed to old age like in the seventies and eighties. I have been skeptical about her condition from day one but had no way of proving my suspicions except through talking and and making enquiries through people as to why or how or what might be wrong with my wife. Sending her back to Illinois was decission i had to abide by as it was requested by my mother -in-law and she was right in making sure that my wife got the proper medical care given by the best in America and i respect her wish as a mother to make sure that her daughter is well cared for there as she might not get over here being a foreigner and unable to speak Malay of any other malaysian languages even though she speaks Japanese fluently enough to have a certificate to teach it.
Now the time has come for me to set in motion the healing process of my wife who according to almost all those faith healers, spititual healers, bomohs and so on that i have talked to have all agreed that my wife is a vicitm of a sick mind that had the desire to possess her and went about it in a diabolical way. I was told that my wife was made through black magic to forget me totally but instead of forgetting me she forgot who she is and the rest is history for her. So now I have employed the services of a Religious teacher to free my wife from this curse imposed upon her which todate is about to cause her to become a vegetable and even die. The process is to remove whatever was fed to her that made her ill and this will not easy as she is not here ans so it will be a long distance faith healing kind of thing. If the mailman can deliver his mail around the world Allah can deliver Hu's Grace anywhere He wishes in this Universe ans all it takes is Love and Faith and I love my wife and have great faith in my belief and in the Al Mighty's Grace worked through those capable in delivering His Miracles.
For those involved in this inhuman act that is destroying a beautiful person who has dedicated her life towards education and who has not a bone to pick with anyone all i can say is that Allah is Merciful but I am not and so what has been done to my wife will be returned to the perpetrators. This is how it is done over here when you deal with the supernatural to get what you desire. So in the next few days should tell whether there is any truth in the whole matter or it is just another hoax that I have become a victim of on top of having about lost my wife.As they say it is all in His hands, Insh'Allah!

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