Sunday, February 18, 2018

Finding the Balancing Act

Finding a good balance in all that you do, all the you perceive, all that you imagine or hope for, is a good virtue to practice. To know when to say enough is enough, is also another virtue worth developing in oneself. The Chinese cosmic symbol of Yin and Yang is the most illustrative of symbols when it comes to 'Balance'. in Nature and the  Human Nature. Somewhere in between light and dark is the comfortable point at which all things comes to rest in neither light nor darkness; the silence space in between two thoughts. Here happens the merging of all in unity.and being in this state of mindfulness is to stay awaken to the 'Whole' all around and within you. This is when the Chi, Hara, Pranna or energy in you to flow fluidly with every breath, in and out, perfectly balanced with no effort but just pure awareness of  every sensation in the body and mental state. In all this, the observer sits and watch allowing for it to just happen...this is meditation in action.
The music is great when listened with well balanced amount of loudness and silence, high and low pitch and so forth; this what makes good sound of music, music that raises your spirit and soul to the peak of awareness and consciousness, a state of simply 'beingness'. One can only arrive at this state of equanimity and tranquility through effortlessness or effortlessly; by non doing, in other words through 'bare attention'. The sunset was mesmerising until my mind wished that it had a camera. Being in a state of perfect balance is like sitting in the canoe that is running down the rapids with jagged rocks and steep falls; keeping the balance is paramount to your survival; you don't think twice. We trip ourselves from too much thinking and attachments and distractions; we are thrown off balance by our hesitation in actions we take. Many lives were lost in duels whether between Samurai warriors or Western Gunslingers, simply due to a slight hesitation or doubt happens while in action. Being spontaneous is happens when there is a silence in the mind, the absence of any thought consciously or otherwise and acting out spontaneously will never know defeat.
While all has come to perfect balance the sense of self drops, there is no more out there or in here, there is only being here. Even the observer is dropped; no body,no mind, and no perception of body and mind. Meditation is one of the surest means of getting to this state of consciousness but it is not the only means.

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