Saturday, March 15, 2014

Remembering J.Krishnamurti and His thoughts.

How can you empty your consciousness completely instantaneously, this is the only way you can touch what is the 'Divine' in you. How can you stop thoughts that have formulated your very existence from the beginning? Then, how can you free yourself from attachment to time, the psychological time that has govern your ever move and every action you take, how cam time cease to be? How do you not have any sense of control whatsoever as you move through your daily activities, how do you detach yourself from that which is experienced? How do you liberate your spirit from the bonds of the ego? of the mind that is self created through thoughts and time? This is your road to salvation if that is what you seek, this is the Way of the all those who have come before with the same passion and integrity to seek freedom for this Mayavic existence.
He tells us of how to push oneself to the very limits of one's self to break through this veil of hope and faith, for they are the very chains that tie you to who you think you are, wanting and expecting, looking for and seeking or this or that and answer to questions that you have been asking from the very beginning of your time...Who Am I?
Your meditation begins as soon as you ask this simple truth and you embark upon your journey to discover who you truly are, that which is you after you have lifted every single veil that has been hiding you from your "True Self'. Being. How can you abandon all hope? Without hope what is there to long for, to look forward to, where there is hope only is here the will to live? And what of Faith? How can you abandon any form of faith that you might have within you in anything the is out there, whether religious or otherwise. It was said that the true nature of faith is when you fall asleep. How can you give up the believe in your God? This is what he is telling me how or what it takes to bring about total transformation of who I truly am. He believes this is not impossible and it is our every birth right to become completely who we are without any form of impositions upon our decision by any form or external influences.
Only we can make this happen, only we can become transformed through our own journeys, our own understanding, our own investigations our own trials and errors, our own sense of passionate commitment towards getting to the very bottom of who we are and what we are made out of, what we are capable of ; we are the Universe itself, we are the ant that bites our feet, we are the breeze blowing through the threes and the herons that flew from the Padi field. We become nature itself and touch the heavens with our antennas of consciousness, we become the sunset and rise of the full moon over the giant trees; we become the timeless
To heal my own body from the aches and pain that creeps up with age,time, I gave a massage to my older cousin brother.Meditation is happening with every breath you take and ever move you make, physically or psychologically and spiritually, socially and the rest of it. Once you have placed your mind is a meditative mode there is no stop from meditation, it is only a matter how deep or shallow your meditative state is at each moment, most of us are asleep, and some are dreaming in their sleep, others have awaken from their sleep, while there are those who felt the awakening experience in one form or another and then there are those who have arrived at the final state of being awakened from their sleep; nothing special. How do we stay awake?
We learn the art of Meditation! The art of being in the present moment all the time, the art of staying in touch with what in 'This Is It!'. In being able to dissolve into the moment of experience without consciousness of time or control or comparison or measuring, being without choice of for or against right or wrong; this is Being in the heart of hearts, the inner sanctum of Being itself. He I stand, this,my Dharma position:."I am That I Am.".

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