Friday, February 24, 2006

Back to work at Jerejak.

Well after talking to a couple of friends over the matter I decided to swallow my pride and face my boss at work this morning. Hi boss I said to him he jerked back, I am not your boss remember you said to shove your job up my ass? What do you want now? Well I said I came to apologize its just that things got out of hand for both of us and being intelligent adults that we are we can come to see it as such that it was all in the heat of the moment and nothing was meant what was said. I explained to him of why I was angered and that sometimes I do have a problem of managing my anger especially when I felt being unjustifiably accused.
Anyway we cleared the air and buried any animosity left between us with an understanding that he is the boss and I am an employee and no matter which way i roll I am bound to get hurt. I got my job back and possibly a paycheck at the end of the month which would sure as hell come in handy. Another lesson learned in humility and knowing when to attack and when to retreat.I learned a bit about my boss and his ways of dealing with people for he too has lived in the US for some ten years of his adult life and he has accepted to deal with his work the American way whatever that is. In this case he admits that he would chew someone out but will not hold on to long term grudges. It is something Malays will have a hard time swallowing as they are sensitive by nature. Malays tends to hold every character attacks personal and they do not forget easily. I can see where he is bound to come up with one too many unhappy employees if he keeps up with his strategic approach to this American style of management. To the American and to a greater degrees the Japanese work is work and what transpires at work stays at work and after work the boss and the employee can sit and drink together till they both hit the floor, nor hard feelings. But the Malay will carry his work problems home to share with his wife and in laws and close friends and whoever else that is willing to listen. Often the animosity bulids up between boss and employee till it explodes and usually at work.
For most of the Malays there is no relief valves to let off their steam like the Chinese or the Indians, the Americans or the Japanese, there is no drinking till their heads hit the pavemnt nor getting stoned till their nerves are numbed from the onslought of work pressure. They, being the good Muslims that most of them are has limited venues to scream their anger out and most would turn to the Koran or simply pray and accept things as Allah's Will, while anger is bottled up inside like a time bomb. The word 'Amuk' comes from the expression attributed toward the relieve of this bottled up anger. Most succumb to drugs and finally leading to the demolishing of their family lives and the final stage being self destruction.
The Malays too I foind cannot act collectively, it is difficult for them to band together and take on a problem at work, they are more more individualistic in approach and thus having such thing as a Union is beyond their scope of thinking. Problems faced by individuals at work are treated as such its and individual's problem eventhough the same problem is face by the rest of them. They would moan and groan about the issues and blame matters on this or that but they cna never sit down together and collectively make a decision to end the issue. There are those who would change their views and oppinions as soon as the boss pat them on their backsor give them a small raise. For these the issue is no more and issue, the issues are someone else's untill the whole problem comes back to haunt them.
The fact that my boss is trying to run his job in the American style will not work in the long run because he will only end up making alot enemies rather than gain loyal employees. He has to accept the fact that he is back in a whole different kind of work culture, an environment where a whole different paradigm of work ethics and approach is necessary and this includes to certain extent the spiritual side of the human coefficient or he might find himself with his wife or children walking around like a zombie for the Malays have ways about how to deal with hard headedness without the detection of the law. Sometimes their ways can make Voodooism looks like child's play.

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