Friday, January 01, 2021

Farwell 2020 and Happy 2021 and a New Beginning.

 As the 'Vision 2020' passes by most Malaysians are running around in a limbo of uncertainty wondering what lies in store up ahead for everyone. The promise of a wonderful Visionary feat to be achieved by the nation as foresaw by the former long standing Prime Minister, has turned into a political, economic and social blunder with the blessings of COVID-19 pandemic as the icing for the cake. For most the year 2020 will remain the lowest point on the graph that we have recorded as far as how well we are doing. Many are trying hard to be convinced that there is a silver lining in all these, that we are being brought to a slow down shift from the fifth and fourth gear to a third or second gear in our pursuit of our so called happiness. The fast pace, quick fix, get drive through routine of our everyday life is being brought to almost a grinding halt by the pandemic and we are forced most of us to re-evaluate our systems, make adjustments to our mode of operation, become more acquainted with our family and friends and learn to stop taking these people for granted. 2020 has left most of us vulnerably alone removed from the very comfort zones we have been creating for ourselves; like I feel most safe when I am at work.

2020 also provided a reprieve for the well being of Nature and the environment as travel restrictions and various other systems were put on lock down by the COVID-19 pandemic. The environment was givev a breath of fresh air as most of the airlines had to ground their flights due to the lack of users and this has has been proven by studies allowed for significant recovery of the ozone depletion phenomena in the atmosphere. As mass gatherings like weddings and demonstrations of any kind is being put on hold due to the pandemic, there is a significant cut backs in the production of waste materials such as plastic bags and mineral water bottles. The restrictions of human movement and activities by the pandemic may have a slight impact in the resurrection of the well being in Nature as in some small ways the lack of human presence in the wild has allowed for animals to roam freely without being disturbed by man. 

2020 saw a surge in the arts where artists and creativity are concern. As the 'Stay Home', policy was being implemented more people are being drawn towards looking into and developing the artistic possibilities as one of the ways to while away the time. Although theaters and plays productions were put on hold, inadvertently it also gave the these production and promoters a brief period of re accessing their status and making for better presentation as there was less pressure to do so in a timely manner; people are allowed to think better, plan better open to all possibilities when time is not of the essence. The COVID19 Pandemic for whatever it is worth, has brought humanity to a gradual awakening towards the values of human relationship in time and space. I say gradual simply because man will never learn, it would  take a much more drastic incident for him to be jerked back into the dire reality that he and his kind has got the world into as his Greed, Hate and Ignorance are deep rooted karma and his desire insatiable.

On a personal level, 2020 was a year of degeneration of the spirit and emotional roller coaster. It was more sadness than gladness to simply put. It has been a year of wishing I was somewhere else doing what I love doing rather than being in the environment that I have placed myself into. My reason for staying where I am with my two children was to bring them together under one roof and in making sure that they remain in touch with one another on a deeper elvel as brother and sister. It was also to pull my son out of the hole that he was slwoly digging himself into at the place where he was renting prior to moving in with us. This I have partially succeeded, I believe, but the toll it takes to achieve this I know is in my health; I am not happy. I feel I carry with me more than I need to and it costing me more than I bargain for; I need to change for my own personal well being if not my mental and physical health I need to move out of this environment; ironically I need to move out of this false comfort zone. At least this has been how I have felt throughout the year 2020 and I am not saying that I am right, however, in my journey of self discovery I felt time and again that I am not one who can settle down in one place too long and the COVID pandemic has heightened this fact into a reality; I feel trapped.




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