Monday, September 21, 2015

What i think of the Chinese?

Had a lengthy chat with one of my daughter's bosses, the man who invited her to join the Merchant Hotel staff after watching her performance and fall out with Gala House Western Food restaurant. Mr. Poon Keat is as unique a character as they come despite being a Chinese; I find a unique Chinese to be a rare specie and in my lifetime i found a handful that I became close with. Among the few I encountered were my former Secondary School teachers when I was a student at the Sultan Sulaiman Secondary School in Kuala Terengganu  on the East Coast of the peninsular. Mr. Andrew Heng my math teacher, Mr. C.K. Lai my Art teacher and Mr. Ong Them Loon, my industrial design teacher. Most Chinese that i have had the opportunity to have some form of close relationship with were loyal friends and acquaintances who I could turn to in times of need and the rest are the run of the mill Chinese who for the most part are self centered and self serving, take care of number one and screw the rest, all in the name of survival.
If given the opportunity i know that most Chinese would leave this country to settle in the west somewhere. where they would be among equals  as they have always assume that the Chinese are the most civilized and oldest culture in the world compared to the rest of mankind. Perhaps it is true in more than one way, however the problem that they have is the capacity to reproduce on a large scale and thus suffer from over population. There is so many Chine around he world and not to mention in the mother land of China itself that anywhere you go on the planet where there is a city chances are there will be a Chinatown. I will maintain that the Chinese will invade by population and no so much by war in the future. China's population is phenomenal not counting those living abroad and in time China will need to export more and more of her population to ease the congestion that is ever building up within the Republic itself and most countries already are set up to receive these outpouring of the Chinese overpopulation through the China towns and those that are already assimilated into host countries as citizens, Malaysia in time will become like Singapore and this is what the Malays in this country fear deep down in their subconscious minds.
To the Chinese life is a matter of survival and nothing stands in the way of survival of the race and the family for so long as time will allow, the Chinese will dominate the world by population. The Chinese invasion by population is not something evil or bad, it is just is; it is the solution to overpopulation and overseas expansion is also a deterrent from inbreeding. The Chinese will adapt and adopt any foreign culture of their host country but inherently deep within their hearts and minds, the Chinese remains. Thousands of years of cultural history will not be given up or disappear within  a few centuries of migration. In the hearts and minds of the Chinese, being Chinese is paramount and the rest is catered towards survival of the masses.
When i was a child in school I read of the story of the camel and the Arab in one of my English lesson. The camel and its master were camped in the desert out in the cold and so the camel sitting outside id the cold asked it it could at least lay its head inside the tent. Out of pity the master allowed and later on the camel asked if it could move its forelegs and shoulder to get a little warmer and this too the master out of compassion allowed. And so ti went on until the camel found its way inside totally and kicked the master out into the desert cold. This is to me the parable that comes to mind when I think of what the Chinese are like when it comes to occupying spaces that belongs to others; it is a gradual process often gone unnoticed til too late.
Call it Chino phobia or call it racial bias and perhaps it is so, however, truth be told, I would enjoy to listen to other opinions on this matter and my concern for Malaysia is the fact that it is made up of almost forty percent Chinese and growing. I love my Chinese neighbors and friends, those that i grew up with and go to school with and those who took the trouble to at the very least learn the national language and aspire to become a complete wholesome citizen of this country, but most i feel are here still harboring deep within them the Chinese mentality where survival of the race and culture comes above all else and loyalty to China is paramount when it comes to making the final choice.

Lords of the Rim is book by American historian Sterling Seagrave first published in 1995 and substantially updated in a second edition of 2010. It is a history of Chinese expatriate economics written for the lay person and has received mainly positive reviews.[1] Presenting an in-depth overview of the outstanding success of expatriate Chinese business people around the Pacific Rim, the author begins with a potted history of China’s finance and business practices over the last three thousand years and the political reasons for the first tide of entrepreneurs to chance their luck overseas.


Slowly but surely, over the last two to three thousand years, Chinese expatriates have gained a firm trade and business foothold in almost every country around the Pacific Rim area, from Vietnam and Indochina to the West Coast of the United States and Canada.
Seagrave attempts to disclose the way these Chinese merchants do business, with each other and with others. He claims that many of these entrepreneurs, despite how many years or centuries they may have been settled in a particular country hold no real allegiance to any government or people except their ancestral clans and ‘home’ villages in China. The author also reveals some of the dubious and aggressive business practices these Lords of the Rim have adopted and mastered over the years. These tactics and their traditional work ethos go some way to explain their astonishing success in the past and up to the present day.[2][3]--Wikipedia.
In the same manner i can say the same of Indians too.

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